listening wersja B

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
part 1
- appointment
- a nature programme
- watch is not worth repairing
- different from his life
- suspicious
- most of the cd rooms were disapointing
- not talk too long on the phone

Spanish, german, advertiving, tour guide, journalists, adventure holidays,
hometown, tv presenter, \"World Travel\", conference

part 3
E- family buisiness
D- how to learn
F- routine
B- feel of power
A- good passenger

part 4
- c (atractively presented dishes)
- b (appeared 0n TV)
- b ( to earn some money)
- c ( confident of his practice work)
- c (he trains them)
- c ( using of local products)
- c ( the person it is aimed at)

Jak z waszymi odpowiedziami??? podobne, a moze zupełnie inne??? DAJCIE ZNAC!!! pozdrawiam!!!
ja mam prawie podobnie z wyjatkiem:w partIV 1)processs of cooking trdicial dishes i w ostatnim ze beda ilustracje w jego ksiazce a tak to wszystko tak samo zreszta mozesz zobaczyc jak ja napisalam bo tytulem \"ci co mieli wersje b\" zastanawiam sie tylko czy w partII bylo journalis czy journalists???