> ok.... postaram sie sprostac zadaniu :P jakby byly jakies
> niejasnosci to sie zglaszac :P a i nie uwazac na literoofki :P
> napisze podanie o prace kelnerki na writingu>
> 9th of December 2003
> Dear Sir or Madam*,
> I was interested in your advertisement for a job in your
> Cafe** and I would like to apply for the position of a
> waitress.
> I am 19 years old and ... wrocilam/em z kursu jezykowego w Zimbabwe :P> I have \'A\' level
> in English and I
> have gained some work experience since leaving school, both as
> a waitress and a cook-
> assistance in a small restaurant. Therefor I am used to
> spending long hours working. Although I am not a professional
> cook, I am very keen on new experiences connected with food.
> My reason for applying for this job is that... go to university next year nad I would like to combine working
> at weekends with studying> I am a sociable person and I like
> meeting new people, I do not have any problems in*** dealing
> with them.I feel that I would live up to your expectations.
> I would be happy to attend an interview at any time with is
> convenient to you.****
> Yours Faithfully,*****
> blablabla
> pshypisy :P
> * oczywiscie jak podali nazwisko i imie to pisze sie Dear Mrs
> Clumsy or sth :P samo nazwisko afkors :))
> ** fajnie brzmi tak: .... advertisement in today\'s edition
> of \"Daily News\" :)) ale tylko jak nie ma podane gdzie bylo
> ogloszenie albo ze bylo w gazecie kolo domu :/ > pewnie na latarni :P
> *** nie jestem pewna czy to \"in\" jest correct ale nie chce mi
> sie sprawdzac :P
> **** moze byc tesh : I would be free to attend for interview on
> any day after 11 a.m. niom :)))
> ***** \"yours faithfully\" piszemy wtedy kiedy na poczatku nie ma
> nazwiska. jesli jest nazwisko to trzeba napisac \"yours
> sincerely\"
> NIOM.... wazny jest podzial na akapity.. jesli chodzi o
> formalne zwroty to trzeba sobie zapamietac jakies tam zdania
> w/w. a pozatym nie uzywac czegos takiego jak :