I know this site from some Poles livin in my green district. Well, As you can see above I live in London, and I wanna say sth. In my humble opinion Mr. Oldman is a person who need a help. I\'m havin\' illusions, all of this confusion\'s drivin\' me mad inside when I see such a boy. I remember the days when I was a young kid growin up, looking in the mirror, dreamin about blowin up and it was great. This boy is similar to me when I was younger. Really!!! He drivin me fuckin mad, because the way he using his english is...
I have one useful advie...give him peace. i think that he have no fans no fame no respect no change no women and everybody shittin on his name. Hopefully it don\'t manifest, for the wrong guy, egomaniac and the brainiac
don\'t know how to act...in the Bentley, be a snob and never act friendly
you wanna have big fame, let me explain what happens to these stars and their brains, first they get played like all damn day long as you sell everything will be ok...Click clack, barrel at my dome
Give all your loot or you ain\'t going home. Ta-Ta. Gary. BEST REGARDS.