listening and speaking

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy macie jakieś rady do tego na co zwracać uwagę na listeningu? Podobno jest tak, że np. jeśli w odpowiedziach mam czas podany w godzinach, to w nagraniu będzie on podany w minutach. Oczywiście dla zmyłki będą podawane zbliżone słowa np. z zaprzeczeniem itp. Na czym jeszcze mam się skupić?
Jakie są pytania na speakingu, które na prawie 100% dostanę? Chodzi o tą wstępną część i pytania takie jak np. powiedzieć coś o swoim mieście, jakie mam plany po studiach itp. Chciałabym sobie przygotować przykładowe wypowiedzi, bo wiem, że jak mnie stres złapie to i tak ledwo co powiem. Zaraz oczywiście sama też poszukam tematów, ale może ktoś akurat ma spisane i mógłby się nimi podzielić.

Co do speakingu to znalazłam niektóre pytania, ale może znacie jeszcze jakieś:
Where are you from?
What do you like about living in (your town)?
Could you tell me something about the area where you grew up? What did you like about living there?
How much time do you spend at home nowadays?
What do you most enjoy doing when you’re at home?
Could you describe your family home to me?
What do you do?
What do you do in your spare time?
What do you want to do after your studies?
Why and how long do you learn English?
What are your interests?
Who are the most important people in your life?
Do you and your friends share the same ideas?
Tell me about your best friend
What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?
Is there anything you’d love to be able to do in the future?
What’s your favourite day of the week? Why?
Can you remember your first English lessons? What were they like?
What do you think were the most important things you learned at primary/elementary school?
Do you plan to study anything in the future?
Would you prefer to work for a big or a small company? Why?
What do you think would be the most interesting job to do?
Do you like reading books? What sort of books do you enjoy reading most?
What sports do people play most in your country? And what do people enjoy watching?
Is it easy to meet new people where you live?
Do you normally go out with family or friends?
What do you enjoy doing with your friends?
Where’s the best place to spend a free afternoon in your town?
How expensive is it to go out in the evening where you live?
Do you like going to the cinema?
Tell me about your favourite filmstar
What are you going to do this weekend?
How do you find out what’s happening in the world?
Do you ever listen to the radio? What programmes do you like?
How important is TV to you?
Do you like the same programmes as your parents?
What’s the difference between reading the news in the newspaper and watching it on TV?
Do you think computers will replace newspapers and TV in the future?
How do you prefer to travel, by train or plane? Why’s that?
What’s the longest journey you’ve ever been on?
What’s public transport like in your country?
Where did you spend your last holiday? What did you do?
Martunia, ja też znalazłam parę ... też mogą być ... oto one:
- pronounce your name (niby banalne, ale jak mnie stres dopadnie, to może być z tym różnie;))
*Your home town/village:
- What is the name of your home town (pronounce it in the English way)?
- Where is the town located?
- Is it near the capital coty or any major cities?
- Is it inland or by the coast?
- Is your town well-known for something (for example, a buildin or a type of food)?
- What is the most interesting part of your town?
- Is it in a flat, hilly or mountainous area?
- Does it have a river?
- Is it a large or small town?
- What is the population?
- Do you live in a city centre, a suburb, a town, a village, or in the countryside?
- What are the main industries?
- What kinds of jobs do people do in your town?
- Is it clean or polluted?
Is it quiet or noisy?
- Are there many parks and other green areas?
- Do you like living there?
- Are there many things to do?
- If you are not living in your home town now, what are the main differences between your current town and your home town?
*your family:
- Do you have a large or small family?
- Do you have any brothers or sisters?
- Are they older or younger than you?
- Do you live with your parents?
- What do they do?
- Do you have any pets?
*your work or study:
- Are you working or studying at the moment?
- Can you tell me something about yourself?
- What were you doing before you started your current work or studies?
- Why are you studying English?
- Where are you studying?
- How long have you been studying English?
- What do you like doing in your spare time?
- Do you have any hobbies?
- What kind of music do you like?
- Do you like sports?
- How do you like spend your holidays?
- Do you enjoy reading?
- What sort of films do you like to watch?
- What is your favourite film?
*future plans:
- What sort of job would you like to do in the future?
- What do you think you will be doing after 5 or 10 years?
- Do you want to line in your home country or abroad?

Trochę jest podobnych do tych Twoich. Większość wydaje się prosta ... ale jak sobie pomyślę, że miałabym na nie odpowiedzieć na egzaminie ... to aż mi się niedobrze robi:-(

Nie lubię egzaminów ustnych ... ale skoro przeszłam przez maturę i obroniłam pracę mgr ... to co to taki egzamin ;-)


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