Formułki do listów

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Byłbym wdzięczny, gdyby ktoś wypisał jakies charakterystyczne formułki do formalnych i nieformalnych listów. Thank you in advance! ;-)
Przepisuje useful phrases z jakiejs ksiazki:

1. Transactional letter

Requesting information/an item
I am writing in response to...
I am writing for information about...
I would like to know more about...
I wonder if you could possibly tell/send me...
I am writing to ask whether...
I would be grateful if you could...

Making a complaint
I am writing to complain about...
I am sorry to say that I was very disappointed with...
I am afraid to say I have number of complaints about...

2. Informal letter

Thanks for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you.
Sorry I haven\'t written for so long but...
I was really pleased to hear that...
I thought I\'d better write and tell you about...

Well, that\'s all for now. Do write back soon.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for all your help.
Good luck with the... !
Give my love/regards to...

3. Article

Involving your reader
Would you like to...?
I\'m sure you can imagine...
I\'m sure you\'d agree that...

I hope...
I suppose...
All in all, ...

4. Story

Start of the story
At first, ...
In the beginning, ...
The first thing that happened was...

Sequencing events in the story
Then, ...
(Minutes) later, ...
After some time, ...
After that, ...

Things that happen fast/slowly
Suddenly, ...
All at once, ...
Gradually, ...
Slowly, ...

The end of the story
In the end, ...
Eventually, ...
At last, ...

5. Report

The purpose/aim of this report is to...
This report is intended to...
In order to write this report, I have interviwed/visited ..., etc.

Presenting a list
Here are some of the (dis)advantages:
This would provide the following (benefits):

Making recommendations
I have no hesitation in recommending...
I can recommend ... because ...

In conclusion, I think that...
In my opinion, the best ... would be ...

6. Discursive composition

Expressing opinions
I agree/disagree with the statement that...
I think/believe that...
It seems to me that...
In my opinion...
I am favour of...
I am against the idea that...

Sequencing ideas
Firstly, ...
Secondly, ...
Finally, ...

Expressing contrast
even though
in spite of/despite + noun/-ing
in spite of/despite the fact that + clause
in the other hand

On the whole, I would say that, ...
In conclusion, ...
To sum up, I think that ...
All in all, I believe that ...
o wow sporo tego masz, kilku nie znalam. dzieki, moze sie przydadza. powodzenia!!! (jeju, ale sie boje...)
uuuu dlaczego dopiero teraz to znalazłam.... musze to jeszcze powtorzyc a juz jest pozno :) dzieki wielkie
ale powinno chyba byc \'on the other hand\'?
tak paulina dobrze, że zauważyłaś ma być \"on the other hand\"
ano faktycznie macie racje. pomylilem sie przy przepisywaniu.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.




FCE - sesja zimowa 2003