sprawdzenie recenzji PILNE.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The best TV program which I have ever watched is called ‘Kuba Wojewodzki’. The frontman of this guest show is just Kuba Wojewodzki, very famous, scandalistic , polish showman.

In every program he interviews the most fashionable and recognizable stars, currently. The thing which makes this program different is just a person of frontman. Kuba is a confident, a little bit frantic person, who is scared of nothing. Sometimes he is irritating, ignorantic and boorish person but his behave it’s possibible to stand. Also, these things add piquancy to this show. When he talks with stars, there aren’t questions to ask which he might be scared about. What’s more he always is able to cause that we heard a satisfying answer. It’s incredible! Furthermore, good point is a big number of funny slips up during the guest show.

It’s very hard to choose which one of all episodes is the best. Every single is considerably various and unique. I hope that ‘Kuba Wojewodzki’ will not disappear from the TV as soon as the other programs, because it really worth to see!


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