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Nat oonly lord,that I am glad"guod she
To door your lust,but I desire also
Yow for to serve and plese in my degree
Withouten feytyng and shal everemo
Ne nevere for no wele ne no wo
Ne shal the goost withinne myn herte stente
To love yow best with al. my trewe entente
And with that word she gan the hous to dighte
And tables for to sette and beddes make
And peyned hit to doon al that she myghte
Preyynge the chambereres for Goddes sake
To hasten hem and faste swepe and shake
.. ^..../....^..../...^..../.....^..../^.../
And she the most servysable of alle
Hath every chambre arrayed and his halle