I am moving to Cracow (Krakow?) next week to teach English for a while. I'm really looking forward to it, but despite lots of internet research I still have two major questions that I can't find answers to. If anybody could help me out I'd be very, very grateful!
1. Is there anywhere where I can find a comprehensive list of English schools to give my cv to? I have a few but need more. My Polish is still really bad but if someone can give me some pointers, I only need addresses
2. Where can I search for flats? Ideally, i'd like to share with Polish MA students (cheaper, make friends, learn polish quicker etc). Are there any websites/newspapers where I can find such people/flats? Alternatively, if anyone on this forum has any direct info (e.g. they or their friends are looking to share) then please let me know.
Thanks in advance for any replies.