Well, duh!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Tory majority, NDP official opp., Libs decimated, Bloc on the brink of collapse. Arriba!!!
My riding (Etob. central) is subject to a recount. PC candidate ousted Lib incumbent by only 26 votes.
Good to have a majority...perhaps now the government can get down to business.
Cytat: siuniab
Good to have a majority...perhaps now the government can get down to business.

I'll drink to that!
edytowany przez fui_eu: 03 maj 2011
>>...perhaps now the government can get down to business.

In a pig’s eye they will :) They won’t last for long, unfortunately. Now, when black ops from seal team six sent the “towelhead-in-chief “ to ‘extra-feed’ some sharks and other marine predators,which was the best thing since sliced bread, the libs agenda will finally spread over the whole world.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 03 maj 2011
I can't celebrate; I'm surrounded by liberals at work. They ain't happy.
No place in the world are empty skirts and suits happy unless put on prozac.
In one of my regions, we had 3 recounts of the votes. First count there was a difference of 2 votes, so the opposition candidate demanded a recount, on the 2 recound they were neck-and-neck, so had 3 re-cound and same number of votes. They had to draw lots, better that, than to decide the election on the toss of a coin.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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