Czytalam dzisiaj gazete wyborcza:
"Od wiosny słynna amerykańska uczelnia Massachusetts Institute of Technology zacznie oferować prawie za darmo kursy dla studentów online. Ten krok może zapoczątkować rewolucję w nauczaniu..."
Czytaj dalej,75248,1[tel],MIT_zmienia_swiat.html
link do MIT:
This can and will change the world. Imagine the possibilities. People in Africa, Asia, South America would don’t have the money to attend university can now go online and avail themselves to coursework from the most prestigious engineering school in the world. Imagine what unlocking that kind of knowledge can do.
What incredible foresight and generosity from such an amazing institution of learning.
Information definitely worth sharing. Tell your friends
This put me in a wonderful mood and makes me feel more optimistic about the world.