I am looking for a wife

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The subject is as mentioned above.
Businessman , aged 34, managing serious companies is seeking for a wife.

Minimum requirements:

Age : 22 - 30
College or university degree
Attractive and neat appearance
Fluent in English
Your height should be between 160 and 175
Ability to stand husband absences during his business travels
Love of tourism and sightseeing
Willingness for frequent travelling
Excellent communicative skills
The perfect candidate also posses excellent ability to cook

These are minimum requirements.
If you don't meet one of them, you are likely to be an unsuccessful candidate.
But ...
If you are a happy possesor of all above mentioned features, send your foto with short letter to [email]
Note that only selected candidates will be contacted.
If you happen to be successful at initial stage, you will be ivited for dinner and a overnight stay at Sharaton hotel in Krakow.
And where's your photo? If you want applications with a photo, then it's only fair that you provide your photo first.
You are seeking someone fluent in English - and 'you are seeking FOR a wife' also possessor not *possesor
at 22 - already with a University degree?
What linguistic skills do you bring to this equation: 'serious companies' such as...
It's not only what linguistic skills does he bring; it's what does he bring into this equation AT ALL?
a ja sie uśmiałam jak to czytalam, bo sama pracuję przy rekrutacji, i zauwazylam ze robię coś strasznego: otóż gdy prywatnie jakaś koleżanka mi opowiada np. jakiego faceta chcialaby mieć, to ja w głowie od razu układam portret idealny kandydata... ot takie zawodowe zboczenie :)
noo, ale chyba nie na temat napisalam, i nawet nie po angielsku, ale wybaczcie, pozno jest...
fajne, hihihi, to co, wysyłamy fotki naszego pana od angielskiego?
tylko który umie gotować?
w hotelu Sharaton, hihihi, ciekawe gdzie to...
za górami, za lasami
kurcze, głodna jestem, może tez tak żony poszukam, to gotowanie, ach, mmm...
pózno już jest, spadam, pa!
alez wymagania... hmmmm sprostam czy nie sprostam :/
Jaki koles!!!!!!zglosilabym sie ale jestem za mloda, nie wiem czy robienie kanapek zalicza sie do excellent ability to cook;P

>Ability to stand husband absences during his business travels

to nie znaczy przypadkiem ze bedzie ja zdradzał????

hihihihihi smieszny typ:P
ojajebe juz lece wyslac zgloszenie na korespondencyjny kurs gotowania do cskk a potem zaiwaniam na ten overnight stay by czym predzej meet his minimum requirements. bede miala meza z serious company, bede miala meza z serious company !!
jakkolwiek rozbawila mnie ta matrymonialna oferta to jednak przykre ze ewolucja tak spier... w tym przypadku
no to masz rywalke!!!!!! bo to ja go zdobede!!!!!!!!
We are delighted to announce that the number of interested women from this and other sources has exceeded half thousand.
Therefore, we are forced to add an extra requirement to make sure that only the best and most valuable candidates are selected for the interview.
The additional and critical condition is proven possession of at least 20 thousands euros.
The aim of above mentioned requirement is to ensure that willingnes for obtaining a well off husband is not a driving force for the applicants.
Should you fail to fulfil all of the conditions, we wish you good luck in next husband searching.
A well off manager of well-known companies looking for a rich girl? Or maybe the manager ain't just a manager but simply a poor fool whot thinks it would be great to cheat some young lady?
jaaaaaaaa ty mi go nie odbierzesz bo ja bede walczyc az paznokcie zedre. nie zainwestowalam w nowy komplet żeliwnych garnków i profesjonalną radziecką obierarkę do ziemniakow na darmo!!!!!!!!!
a tak serio to dziubasek z well-known company siedzi sobie pewnie przed kompem w jakimś akademiku, pije piwo z kumplami i ogląda zdjęcia i zeznania podatkowe paru takich co mając już w oczach te podróże śłużbowe posłały mu w prezencie zdjecia i cv :))))
We are proud to announce that three best candidates have been successful at initial stage and selected for personal interviews.
Have you not been successful at this occassion, we wish you good luck next time.
Many thanks to all of applicants.
we wish you good luck
>next time.

Are you contemplating rotation of wives?
businessman Kr would do well to learn English properly - he surely wouldn't want a wife to outshine him in this direction.
Maybe we women ought to start advertising for an 'ideal husband' -
however, I fear that the requirements of the job might just be a little bit more refined than those of the 'ideal wife' such as the one being sought here.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa


Olimpiada języka angielskiego