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Zespół „zamrożonego” barku dotyka coraz więcej ludzi między 40 a 50 rokiem życia. Charakteryzuje się bólem i ograniczeniem ruchomości w obrębie barku. Leczenie jest procesem długotrwałym, wymagającym poświęcenia zarówno ze strony pacjenta, jak i fizjoterapeuty, jednak przynosi oczekiwane rezultaty. W pracy podjęto próbę oceny skuteczności fizjoterapii w PHS. Badaniom została poddana pacjentka z obustronnym zespołem „zamrożonego” barku, u której wykonane zostały pomiary zakresu ruchu przy użyciu goniometru, a także natężenie bólu przy użyciu skali NRS. Czynności te przeprowadzono przed podjęciem rehabilitacji oraz po jej zakończeniu. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań, zauważono poprawę. dzięki zabiegom fizjoterapeutycznym dolegliwości bólowe zostały zmniejszone, a zakres ruchomości zwiększył się.
wklej samodzielne tlumaczenie, ktos zapewne poprawi
albo oddaj do biura tlumaczen, zobaczysz, ile kosztuje brak checi do samodzielnej pracy
Proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawę błędów.

Frozen shoulder concerns more and more people in people between the ages of 40 and 50 years. It is characterized by the pain and restriction of mobility within the shoulder. The treatment is a long-drawn process which requires a lot of sacrifice both from the patient and the physiotherapist what delivers expected results.
In the thesis was taken the attempt to assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy in the PHS. The 49 years old patient with double sided frozen shoulder was subjected the examinations by using a goniometer in order to measure range of motion and by the NRS scale to examine the intensity of pain. Assessment was made before and after rehabilitation. Based on the study was noted a improvement. Thanks to physiotherapy the pain had been reduced and mobility had been improved.
Frozen shoulder concerns more and more people in people between the ages of 40 and 50 years. It is characterized by the pain and restriction of mobility within the shoulder. The treatment is a long-drawn process which requires a lot of sacrifice both from the patient and the physiotherapist what TO JEST BLEDNE, NIE MOZESZ DOSLOWNIE? delivers expected results.
In the thesis was taken the attempt NIEGRAMATYCZNIE. DAJ 'THESIS' JAKO PODMIOT to assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy in the PHS. The 49 years old patient with double sided ZNAJDZ MEDYCZNE SLOWKO NA 'OBUSTRONNY' frozen shoulder was subjected the examinations by BADANY using a goniometer in order to measure range of motion and by the NRS scale to examine the intensity of pain. Assessment was made before and after rehabilitation. Based on the study was noted BADANIE POKAZALO a improvement. Thanks to physiotherapy the pain had been reduced and mobility had been improved.

Poza tym sa zle przedimki itp., ale one nie zaburzaja rozumienia
Frozen shoulder concerns more and more people in people between the ages of 40 and 50 years. It is characterized by the pain and restriction of mobility within the shoulder. The treatment is a long-drawn process which requires a lot of sacrifice both from a patient and a physiotherapist but it delivers expected results. The thesis took an attempt to assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy in the PHS. The 49 years old patient with bilateral frozen shoulder was examined using a goniometer in order to measure range of motion and the NRS scale to examine the intensity of pain. Assessment was made before and after rehabilitation. The examination pointed out an improvement. Thanks to physiotherapy the pain had been reduced and mobility had been improved.
Czy teraz jest poprawnie?
Frozen shoulder concerns more and more people between the ages of 40 and 50. It is characterized by the pain and the constraint of mobility within the shoulder. The treatment is a long-drawn process which requires a lot of sacrifice both from the patient and the physiotherapist which can give the expected results.
In the thesis, the attempt was taken to assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy in the PHS. The 49 year-old patient with bilateral frozen shoulder was closely examined by a goniometer in order to measure the range of the motion and by the NRS scale to check the intensity of the pain. Assessment was made before and after rehabilitation. On the basis of the study, the improvement was noticed. Thanks to physiotherapy the pain had been reduced and the mobility had been improved.
people in people? napisz "in the population"
the thesis was an attempt
the examinations showed
Cytat: UndyingStripling
In the thesis, the attempt was taken
On the basis of the study, the improvement was noticed.

konstrukcja tych zdan mi sie nie podoba, a poza tym przedimki...
ja to poprawie:
Frozen shoulder (tutaj trzeba napisac co to jest) concerns more and more people between the ages of 40 and 50. It is characterized by 'the' (zly przedimek) pain and 'the' (nad tym myslalam, ale moze byc) constraint of mobility within the shoulder. The treatment (na co? tutaj nie piszesz tego) is a long-drawn (brakuje slowa OUT) process which requires 'a lot of' (jak ja to lubie, to jest za niskie okreslenie w academickiej pracy) sacrifice both from the patient and the physiotherapist 'which can give the expected results' (calkowicie w zlym miejscu, szyk zdania nieladny).
In the thesis, 'the' (zly przedimek) attempt was 'taken' (zle slowo, tutaj mozna 'made') to assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy in the 'PHS.' (nie rozumiem co to jest. Trzeba napisac w calosci) 'The' (tutaj wg mnie jest zly przedimek) 49 year-old patient with 'bilateral' (wczesniej o tym nie bylo wspomnienia. Co to znaczy?) frozen shoulder was closely examined by a goniometer in order to measure the range of 'the' (niepotr) motion and 'by' (to jest zle slowo, nie mozna kogos badan 'by a scale'?) the 'NRS' (nie wiem co to jest. Trzeba napisac w calosci) scale to check the intensity of the pain. Assessment was made before and after rehabilitation. On the basis of the study, 'the' (calkowicie zly przedimek) 'improvement' (tutaj trzeba dac wiecej szczegolowo, maly, duzy, wielki, jakies okreslenie) was 'noticed' (zle slowo, tutaj 'noted'). 'Thanks' (to jest za bardzo polskie slowo, mozna 'due') to (brakuje przedimka) physiotherapy the pain had been reduced and the mobility 'had been' (niepotr) improved.

Napisz to jeszcze raz, z moimi poprawkami i zobaczymy jak to wyglada.
Cytat: UndyingStripling
Frozen shoulder...

juz kiedys pisalem, zebys nie pisal, jezeli jestes za slaby. Pogarszasz zamiast poprawic.
Dziękuję za pomoc :)
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