Prosze o przetlumaczenie listu!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam. Osoba z mojej rodziny otrzymala taki list i chcialbym prosic o przetlumaczenie go :

We are processing overseas pension payments by order of C.R.A.M NANCY. These payments are regulated by the french legislation and sumitted to a strict rule which reads:
, as matter of fact they are only due if the retired person is alive.

However, the information of death may be known after issuance of one or several payments. Such payments are therefore cashed by a third person (widow, heirs...)
Under these circumstances we unfortunately learnt belatedly the decease of MME (imie i nazwisko) on (data) For this reason, we sent the pension until August 9th 2006 i.e an overpaid amount of (kwota)

We thank you to take the necessary steps to refund us with the above mentionned amount, which is not due to estate.

Bardzi prosze o przetlumaczenie. Pozdrawiam
ktos pobieral rente z francji?
Pisza, ze trzeba zwrocic nienaleznie pobrane pieniadze, tzn. przeslane miedzy dniem smierci tej osoby a dniem powiadomienia cram o tej smierci

jezeli nie, to prawdopodobnie sa oszusci.
tak renta byla pobierana z francji


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