W niżej podanej charakterystyce muszę zmienić:
- osobę na innego członka rodziny( każda osoba oprócz mamy)
- ubiór opisanej osoby
- cechy charakteru opisanej osoby
Temat wypracowania brzmi: A person who influenced me the most charakterystyka(240-250 słów)
Oto charakterystyka w której proszę o małe wyżej wymienione poprawki:
A person who influenced my childhood most was my father. He brought me up to sensitive, cheerful, sensible as well as trustworthy person. My father, Jack, is of medium height in his early fifties. Moreover he is slim and has got short grey hair, but he is becoming bald. My fathers face is round and friendly-looking. Whats more, Jack has got small blue eyes, which are very nice, as well as long nose and small ears, however his hearing is very good. He tends to wear casual clothes like jeans and T-shirt.
My father is an incredibly sensitive person, who helps everyone who needs it. Whats more this help is disinterested. Moreover my father is generous that he wants to share what he possesses with others. Furthermore, I could talk with him about my problems because he is trustworthy and he keeps my secrets. What he does not tolerate is lie. He always told me that the worst is when we dont tell the truth.
Whats more my father is very sociable, he has a lot of friends (also from secondary school), who he very often meets. Last thing which is very important for him is trekking he loves Tatras, Beskidy and Alps.
Jack is in my opinion the most important person in my life and thanks to him my childhood was so good.
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