“Harry Potter and THE Half-Blood Prince"
She is A prize winner OF a lot of prestigious prizes. Up to now she HAS published six (six what?) with THE seveNTH VOLUME plaNned 'toms'(niepotrz) about Harry Potter. (lepiej The Harry Potter series) 'This series' is very popular IN the entire world. The 'authoress' (nie, the author) became A very famous person, she is the richest woman IN England and THE young hero is EVERY teenager's idol.
He is 'sixteen' (sizteen pisze sie razem, ale mozna 16) years old and begins THE sixth year of science in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry-Hogwart. He is in danger because A very scary sorcerer, Lord Vlodemort, wants to kill him. Harry and professor Dumbledore travel 'to memories' (back in time to) when Voldemort was a child and they LOOK for a magical 'horcruxe' (nie rozumiem tego slowa). Harry is 'the' (po co to the tutaj?) choosen to kill Voldemort. If you readthis book, you will learn 'about' (niepotrz) who is the 'title Half-Blood Prince' (zla kolejnosc slow - who is the Half Blood prince of the title)
You will ALSO find out 'too'(niepotrz) what THE name IS OF Harry's girlfriend and 'who with the mains' (which one of the MAIN) characters will die.
Rowling 'show' (3os l.poj - bede o tym bebnila - az wszyscy zrozumieja 3os l. poj dodajemy -s) us A very fascinating world. I HAVE read “Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince" three times! My favourite character is Professor (dlaczego malo litera na Professor?)Snape because he is 'clever and cunning' (cunning and clever). I am impatiently waiting for the 7th volume of HP ...