no i z forum o pomocy w przetlumaczeniu zrobilo nam sie forum o scam ale to jest bardzo ciekawy temat,nadawca maila jest susan [email] .uwazajcie na maile od niej,ale i tak pewnie za chwile bedzie inny adres mail.jeszcze niewiem jak a zagladalas do tego linka wyzej co wyslalam?ponizej dolanczam maile ktore byly wyslame z jej nuHello Seller,
Good day to you...How are you doing??
Am Stephen Gale by name....While i was on my laptop,I cam across a site called and i found so many dogs in the site.
But i really love that of your's which is available for sale. and i want to let you know that am highly intrested in buying the dog for my son.
So,I want you to tell me the condition of the Dog,How do you feed the dog,The last price,And also some recent pictures of the dog if available.
Your reply will be hightly appreciated.
Hope you do accept a check because i will be paying you by my personal soon as the chdck cleared into your account,then i will have the dog.
Have a nice day..
meru ip