Mógłby mi ktoś przetłumaczyć fragment piosenki... Z góry dziękuje:)
(I feel ya, sweetheart)
(You talk to'm)
How come they call it goodbye?
How come the good die?
See I just get high and think of the good time
that I had with my pop
He was a good guy
How come the good die?
As I protect my mother
cause I'm her oldest son
And there are different worlds
and we in the coldest one
Which one did granny go to?
and why do death come?
As my baby ask where do babies come from
I tell her while
I tell her why
I tell her I love her
Until I tell her bye
and whenever I
shall have ever die
I hope you celebrate it
I hope you never hate it
and they say heaven's gated
but I think I know the code
and it's get your life right
by the end of the road
that's why I drive along
down memory lane
so if I crash
I hope y'all remember Wayne