List Nieformalny Do Sprawdzenia...Prosze:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dawno niczego nie pisalem i nagle dostalem list do napisania... Kompletnie wydaje mi sie ze go zepsulem... wiec prosze o sprawdzenie i poprawienie...
Z Góry Dzieki:)

Dear Ania,

Thank you for your phone to me when I was in Drzewina Extreme Park. So, like I promised I write and tell you about this amazing trip.

When I got there I climbed up to military tower and looked around. I was shocked. There be a lot extreme highlight, I can said in Drzewina are everything. First thing witch I saw was a lot of quads. There are special place for cultivate this sport. Special prepared gauge and also you can ride in forest with instructor.

Of course, quads are not only thing that you can do in this park. It is only substitute what you can found there. Further you can found some place for played paintball. This is a square 200mX200m, you have two trenches. Later you can found a hill with Spherical ball. In the other side of hill you have two buildings. In this accommodation you can played ASG. This is a game with replications of really weapons. You played match like „counter-strike”.

I really advice to come here. I promise that in other time I was come here I call you, and we have a lot of fun together.
Best wishes,
końcówka jest na pewno źle, powinno być:
I really advice you to come here.I promise that I will call you the next time when I come here, and we will have a lot of time together.
Poprawilem tutaj troche twoj liscik, nie wiem dlaczego urzywasz formy przeszlej czasownika find, to by bylo bez sensu, masz to zaznaczone w cudzyslowiu.

Of course, quads are not only thing that you can do in this park. It is only substitute what you can "find" there. Furthermore you can "find" some place for playing paintball. It is located on the square 200mX200m, you have two trenches. Later you can "find" a hill with Spherical ball. On the other side of the hill you have two buildings. In this accommodation you can play ASG. It is the game with replicas of real weapons. You can play match like "counter-strike".

I really advice you to come here. I promise you that the next time I will came here I call you, and we will have a lot of fun together.
Best wishes,


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