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Animal testing. Make-up, shampoo, medicines- they are part our lives, but many of these are also tested, often causing a great pain. How much do you think is animal testing neccessary?
Not many people realize that all medicines and other products such like shampoo and cometics are made from animals or just tested on them. We can only imagine how many animals were killed to create for instance cream. Some of people claim that such animal's treatment is inhumane but others do not pay attention to it. Personally, I belong to those who are against animal testing.
First of all, from my point of view animals are a part of our world and without them human exsitence wouldn't be possible. What is more, each of life being should be treated with respect no matter if it is a rabbit or dog. Besides, we also ought to remember that animals feel pain despite that they can not express it in words unlike to people.
On the other hand, because of scientists' researches people can for example prevent skin from harmful sun radiation,postpone it's ageing, fight with dangerous diseases which killed them or bring their organism into adge of exhaustion.
Taking all facts into consideration, I can state that animal testing is inhumane but necessary in our world. I hope that some day technological proccess will allow researchers carry out their experiments not on animals but by using computer programmes.
czy moglby ktos looknac na ta prace?bede bardzo wdzieczna
Animal testing.
Make-up, shampoo, medicines- they are part OF our lives, but many of these PRODUCTS are also tested (ale na kim? czym?) often causing a great pain.
Not many people realize that all medicines and other products such
'like' AS shampoo and cometics are 'made from animals' (nie jestem pewna czy shampoo jest robione ze zwierzat) or just tested on them. We can only imagine how many animals were killed 'to' IN ORDER TO create for instance A cream. Some 'of' (niepotr) people claim that such 'animal's treatment' (napisz to inaczej...treatment of animals) is inhumane 'but' (zamiast 'but' daj whilst) others do not pay ANY attention to it.
First of all, from my point of view animals are a part of our world
and without them human 'exsitence' (ortog) wouldn't be possible. What is more,
each 'of' (niepotr) life being should be treated with respect no matter if it is a rabbit or dog. Besides, we also ought to remember that animals feel
pain despite 'that' THE FACT THAT they can not express it in words unlike 'to' (niepotr) people.
On the other hand, because of 'scientists'' (nie, lepiej napisz...scientific) 'researches' RESEARCH people can for example prevent skin from harmful sun radiation, postpone 'it's' (zle slowo, co napisalas, to 'it is' a mialo byc 'its') ageing, fight with dangerous diseases which COULD HAVE killed them or bring their organism into 'adge' (nie rozumiem) of exhaustion.
I hope that some day technological proccess will allow researchers TO carry out their experiments not on animals but by using computer programmes.

(mozesz jeszcze napisac, pytajac sie czy naprawde nam potrzeba 100 tych samych produktow np shamponow? a kazdy nowy musi byc testowany, i czy produkty (jak naprawde maja byc takie dobre) nie moga byc testowane od razu na ludziach, bo przeciez i tak ludzie to beda uzywali, i czy takie testowanie to jest zgadywanie niby co ma z czym isc, gdyby ci specjalisci tak od razu wiedzieli wszystko, to testy nie bylyby potrzebne)
Animal testing.
>Make-up, shampoo, medicines- they are part OF our lives, but many of
>these PRODUCTS are also tested (ale na kim? czym?) often causing a
>great pain. to jest caly temat rozprawki wiec nic nie zmienialam;]
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