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Adventages and disadventages of keeping a pet crocodile at home.

For ages people kept at home various animals. Ancient civilization domesticated for example wild cats which are from today a fondling, like a it is very popular keep at home some exotic animal like snakes, lizards,spiders so why not keep at home a pet crocodile?
Many people feel argued that keeping a pet crocodile is very oryginal becouse it is not so common in ours country.If you will had one everybody be jealous and sayed ”WOW”!Secondly a terrarium can decorate your room, especialy when you put there some rock and branch. It looks great.Moreower you are popular so you have more friends who wants to visite you and see your crocodile.
On the other hand the most important disadventages is that it is a very expensive to buy this animal and to feed it. For example the cost of living a dog is much more cheaper than some exotic animal.Many people are against becouse they think that this kind of animal should live in their natural enviroment where they can multiply and live in calm.One point it is that you can not tame crocodile and it is not so kind in touch so you can not to hug it ( if you do that it will be not a pleasure).
All things considered ,although there are some disadventages to keeping a pet crocodile at home but it depend on your character and possibility.If you had some animals at home your children will be better drow up, moreower animals unstressed you. Pet crocodile can bestow your style and emphasize your personality. If you want be an orginal buy a crocodile but before you do it first think the matter over.


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