For and against essay

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Czy mógłby ktoś sprawdzić moją rozprawę?

Obecnie szkoły stawiają coraz wyższe wymagania swoim uczniom. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz dobre i złe strony takiej sytuacji.

Not so long time ago access to education was limited. Nowadays education in school is free and available for everyone. To perform better results in learning teachers have higher expectation toward students. Is it positive or negative phenomenon? I will discuss it in following paragraphs.

Firstly, pupils are overloaded with task. They come back from schood and they have to spaend anotehr couple of hours on time consuming homework. Thus they don't have time to develop their passions. This is commonly known that learning process has the highes intensity in a young age. It is not necessary to learn only from books, especcially in the young age. It's even better when the kid develop world by self observation.

On the other hand high expectations are adaventage. Demanding teachers motivates their pupils, and make them push their limits. So students will perform better in their eductaion career becouse they will have developed an habit to always work hard.

What is worth to mention that schools tend to learn unpractical knowledge, wich is also too much detailed. Learning programme is often obsolate. Nowadays when the technology is high-developed, lots of information can be found on the internet, so some of the things needn't have to be learned. Moreover after a short time that knowledge is forgotten and devoted time wasted.

All in all I think that students should have more free time. Schools should teach only essential things. In developed technology era, pupils can easily learn from the internet. Students won't be overloaded with tasks in home and have more free time to develop their hobbies.
To perform better results... ja bym dał np 'get'
....teachers have SET higher expectation toward FOR students. npnp
edytowany przez Aaric: 15 kwi 2018
Not so long 'time' (tutaj to slowo absolutnie nie pasuje, pomieszales...aa long time ago' z 'not too long ago') ago access to education was limited (tutaj wypadalo by powiedziec ze to tylko chodilo o specificzne grupy ludzi, edukacja zawsze byla dla bogatych).
To 'perform' (nie, tu masz zle slowo, i nie o tym myslisz, co masz na mysli to 'obtain') better results in learning teachers have higher expectation 'toward' (chociaz ja bym napisala 'towards') (dalabym przedimek) students. Is 'it' (nie, tutaj trzeba 'this') (przedimek) positive or negative phenomenon? I will discuss it in (przedimek) following paragraphs.

Firstly, pupils are overloaded with 'task' (ale chyba masz na mysli wiecej jak jeden). They 'come back' (lepsze slowo 'return') from 'schood' (ortog) and they have to 'spaend' (ortog) 'anotehr' (ortog) couple of hours on 'time consuming' (ja dalabym to tak 'time-consuming') homework.
'This' (zle slowo, tutaj IT) is commonly known that (przedimek) learning process has the 'highes' (ortog) intensity 'in' (lepiej 'at') a young age. It is not necessary to learn only from books, 'especcially' (ortog) 'in' (zle slowo, tutaj 'at') 'the' (zly przedimek, tutaj 'a') young age. It's even better when the kid 'develop' (cos tu nie tak z tym slowem, poszukaj inne) world by self observation.

On the other hand high expectations are (przedimek) 'adaventage' (ortog). Demanding teachers 'motivates' (to slowo odnosi sie do 'pupils' tutaj w l. mnogiej, to czasownik musi byc dostosowany do l. mnogiej) their pupils, and make them push (tutaj brakuje pare slow...themselves to) their limits. 'So' (nie, to lepiej bedzie jak to bedzie zdanie laczone z poprzednim, a nie osobne zdanie) students will perform better in their 'eductaion' (ortog) career 'becouse' (ortog) they will have developed 'an' (nie,m tutaj 'a') habit to always work hard.

What is worth 'to mention' (nie, tutaj 'mentioning is) that schools tend to 'learn' (nie, to zle slowo, tutaj 'teach',...a teacher teaches, a student learns) unpractical knowledge, 'wich' (ortog) is also too 'much' (nie, to jest niepotr slowo) detailed. Learning 'programme' (mnie tutaj pokazuje blad ortog, chociaz ja bym to zostawila jak jest) is often 'obsolate' (ortog). Nowadays when the (mozna tutaj dodac 'information') technology is 'high' (nie, slowo to 'highly')-developed, lots of information can be found on the internet, so some of the things 'needn't have' (nie, to jest maslo maslane a wystarczy not need) to be learned. Moreover (przecinek) after a short time that knowledge is forgotten and (przedimek) devoted time wasted.

Schools should teach only 'essential' (musisz dokladne wytlumaczyc co to jest) things. In (tutaj mozna dodac 'highly') developed technology era, pupils can easily learn from the internet.
moze tak bylo to zamierzone napisac?
Not so long a time ago...
Może jakby pisał bajkę albo wiersz itp. Bez a jest ok. time też można zgubić ;))
Cytat: Aaric
Bez a jest ok

naprawde tak sadzisz?
Jeżeli spowoduję tasiemcową dyskusję która zepsuje mi niedzielę to nie. W innym przypadku - tak.
no to dobrze, ze sie jakos ustosunkowales do tej zaistnialej sytuacji w obszarze angielskiej gramatyki dotyczacej struktur emfatycznych
Cytat: engee30
moze tak bylo to zamierzone napisac?
Not so long a time ago...

engee, ale to nie jest poprawnie. Mozna...Not such a long time ago, Not so long ago, ....
Cytat: terri
Mozna...Not such a long time ago, Not so long ago, ....

a no mozna, ale tez mozna troche sie inaczej wykazac i wyslowic
Cytat: terri
Cytat: engee30
moze tak bylo to zamierzone napisac?
Not so long a time ago...

engee, ale to nie jest poprawnie. Mozna...Not such a long time ago, Not so long ago, ....

Zgadzam się z Terri.

Cytat: Aaric
Jeżeli spowoduję tasiemcową dyskusję która zepsuje mi niedzielę to nie. W innym przypadku - tak.

dlaczego to mialoby byc niepoprawne:
not so long a time ago
a to juz nie?
not so clever a man
Warmer days are a coming. ;))
Dziękuję wszystkim za pomoc
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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