Przeczytalam jeszcze raz ta rozprawke. Wazne jest, zeby nie powtarzac pytania, uzyles prawie 50 slow na powtarzanie tego.
W pierszym zdaniu napisac o co chodzi. Np. I will discuss/argue/present ..the advantages and disadvantages of....XXX
Firstly.... i uzyj tylko jedno slowo tam gdzie uzywasz 10 zeby to samo przekazac.
Ja bym to zrobila inaczej....advantages - children realize how hard it is to earn money, useful in later life, repetitive actions such as cleaning every day in preparation for working environment where , time consuming.
Disadvantages - set agreement as to value of each task, children not being advised where and how they spend money, money can be spent on alcohol, cigarettes.
Jedno lub 2 zdania na kazdy punkt.
Na koncu, ...based on these arguments, it is clear/evident that ...advantages/disadvantages, should be appropriate for the age of the child.