Prosze rzuccie okiem

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I was asked to gathered information about expenditure on the stationary in our company. The aim of this report is to consider a possibility cutting of the expenditure and operating in more economical way. I have checked myself the costs of stationary and how it is used in offices.

1. The cost of stationary in the company:
The company used different stationery in our offices: various sizes of company headed notepaper and of envelopes, memo pads, photocopying paper. The costs are high and have risen continuously for last 5 years.
In the year 1999 our spending amount to Ł4,5, meanwhile in the other similar company it was only about Ł3.
The costs from January to March 2000 was one quarter higher then the costs in 1999 on the same period.

2. Staff stationary using:
• In the office many paper is wasted:
 Documents are retyped because of mistakes in writing (poor keyboarding skills)
 Staff uses printed stationary and unused envelopes to do notes
 Many photocopies are doing unnecessarily.
• The company buy stationery from uncompetitive supplier and use expensive white envelopes.
• Staff isn’t conscious of huge waste in office; They also use photocopier then cheaper department’s printing machine.

The company have to rethink using stationary, because the costs are very high and still increase. Staff wastes many paper and don’t think about it. We also buy in expensive supplier.

My recommendations are:
 Finding more competitive supplier and buying cheaper envelopes
 Buying cheap paper to do notes and using it to print less necessary documents
 Considering e-mail form to send documents between department. Not all document have to be copied by using photocopier
 Organizing courses for staff to improve their keyboarding skills (they do many mistakes and the documents have to be reprinted)
 Organizing meeting with employees. They have to be conscious of increasing costs of stationary and financial problems. The manager can persuade them to operating in more economical way.
nie mam czasu ale to co mysle ze jest bledem to ::
I was asked to gather
a possibility of dimnishing expenditure
I've checked)mysle ze bez myself) ... nie wiem czy dobrze nie ch sprawdza fachowcy a na wiecej nie mam czasu
boze co ja pieprze:/ tam powinno byc to co jest poprawione:) sory za zamotke
Dzieki choć za tyle. Prosze niech ktoś dosprawdza, bo dopiero jak mnie ktoś poprawi to widze swoje błędy :)


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