Ehh proszę o pomoc bo zaraz znowu cała grupa dostanie słabe pkt, moim zdaniem bd odp C niestety prawdopodnobnie nie zdadza sie ona z kluczem, nauczyciel sie wku*co zaowocowalo slabymi pkt w calej grupie, powinien nam ofc wytlumaczyc, ale on jak to on zawsze sie rzuca i w zasadzie potem nigdy nie wiemy co powinno tam byc
Matchmaking, to me, sounds like something from a nineteenth century novel. However, matchmakers really did exist and there is still a place for the the matchmaker in the 21st century. The difference is that, whereas two hundred years ago the matchmaker was generally a woman of the village who knew everyone's business, nowadays, the matchmaker is a website bringing lonely, desperate people together.
Getting married through a matchmaker is different to an arranged marriage as the two people involved still have choice. However, the skilled matchmaker examines factors such as interests, backgroun,. religion. age and political views and brings together people who are likely to get on It doesn't always work, but that's more likely to be the fault of the people involved than computer technology. Untortunate in my experience, on the Internet, people aren't always entirely hones The matchmaker in a small village couldn't be fooled but a computer can.
Many lonely hearts websites try to persuade people to sign up by talking about the seience or matchmaking. Not everyone is convinced. They say that love is rarely logical and depends on more than just a shared love of gardening or the films of Woody Allen. Indeed, many still believe in the idea of love at first sight. If a person makes your pulse race and your heart beat faster when you first set eyes on them he or she may be the one for you, whatever you subsequently find out about him/her.
6.4. Which is an opinion according to the text?
A Computer technology has made matchmaking more successful than it was in the past.
B People who use computer matchmaking services are desperate for love
C Dishonesty is more common on the Internet than in normal life
D Using a matchmaker is not the same as an arranged marriage.
Tylko problem jest taki, ze musze ofc podkreslic ten fragment kt mowi mi o tym no i moim zdaniem jest to c jakozr tylko w zdaniu Unfortunately... pojawia sie "in my experience"