Czy mógłby ktoś sprawdzić mój artykuł i poprawić błędy?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Popular but also makes mistakes.
A lot happened at the last Oscars. We met many surprises, twists and unfortunately also a few mishaps. Angelina Jolie had the biggest slip-up. I think after this situation, many people will not look at the actress the same way. She showed her lack of culture and calculation.
Everything was going in the right direction at the awards gala that day. Everyone showed their best side when receiving their prizes. At this point, Angelina Jolie went for the award.
The actress did not know how to behave. She was lost in words and didn't even say thanks. In addition, while going for the award, she tripped and crashed and when someone wanted to shake her hand she shouted at him. In my opinion, celebrities should convey good manners and culture to young people. She should show her best side knowing that for many people she is an idol. Many young people copy her behavior, considering them to be appropriate, so she should behave well. I personally still like her, but she should be more careful about what she does. Summarizing everything, it can be said that the actress failed many people with her behavior and showed her low level. Let's hope that soon the woman will notice her mistake and apologize for it.
a jakbys samodzielnie napisala?
napisałam samodzielnie, chciałam tylko żeby ktos go sprawdził
tytuł z google translate

at the last oscars - napisz 'na niedawnej ceremonii wreczenia oskarow'
at this point - co chcialas napisac?
lost for words
considering them - do czego odnosi sie 'them' w liczbie mnogiej, bo przeciez nie do behavior w liczbie pojedynczej
failed many people =- oblała wielu ludzi (na egzaminie). Napisz 'rozczarowala'
'showed her low level' nie brzmi naturalnie

rozumiem, ze nie znasz jeszcze konstrukcji typu "she should have behaved differently'?
Popular (ale kto? co? tutaj brakuje opisu) but also makes mistakes.
We 'met' (wg mnie tutaj mozna slowo 'widzielismy') many surprises, twists and unfortunately also a few mishaps.
I think (ja lubie widziec tutaj slowo 'that') after this situation, many people will not look at the actress (brakuje slowa) the same way. She showed her lack of culture and 'calculation' (zle slowo).
Everything was going in the right direction at the awards gala that 'day' (moze lepiej 'wieczor').
She was lost 'in' (to jest zle slowo, tutaj lepiej 'for') words and didn't even say thanks. In addition, while going for the award, she tripped and 'crashed' (wg mnie zle slowo, tutaj 'poleciala') and when someone wanted to 'shake her hand' (nie, to znaczy calkowicie cos innego, chcialam napisac 'dac jej reke ale w sensie podniesc ja') she shouted at him.
Many young people copy her behavior, considering 'them' (tutaj l. poj) to be appropriate, so she should behave well.
Summarizing everything, it can be said that the actress failed many people with her behavior and showed her 'low level' (nie, wybierasz slowa z google ktore nie pasuja do tematu, nie rob tego, to widac od razu i to razi osobe czytajaca). Let's hope that soon 'the woman' (kto?) will notice her mistake and apologize for it.

Lepiej samemu cos napisac, jak uzywac 'copy and paste' i pisac cos, na czym jeszcze sie nie znasz.
np AJ took the stage to accept the award...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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