Another formal letter

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Sir

I have just read your incorrect article which is called “Student Slaves at Workcamp” about workcamp in Kirby. There are many disinformation that I would like to correct.

To start with at the workcamp were only fifteen student with many different nationalities not thirty mainly from France and Sweden. Secondly we were not working long hours, but only in morning with whole weekends free. The accommodation was very comfortable. We were living in modern, wooden buildings with showers not in tents with only one shower for all of us. What is more the atmosphere at the Kirby camp was great and I had a lot of fun. We did not spend all the time picking vegetables, but also getting to know each other and just spending great time.

I am hoping to see rectification as soon as possible.

Yours Faithfully


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