My friend name's Andzelika. She is twenty years old. First time I met her on the playground.
She is tall and slim. Her face is oval.She has got small, bright blue eyes, and curly hair. She usually wear jeans.
My best friend knows everything about me. She knows how I feel when she see me. She knows about my weaknesses and problems. She understands my needs and listens about my dreams. She listens to how I feel about life and love and knows what it all means. Many times she told me when I was wrong. she understanded what I was going through and promised she will stay forever with me. She should be very reliable person and she should be always there to support me. She shouldn't leave me alone with a problem but she should help me to overcome. If I am not happy she should to make me laugh.
In leisure time she likes exploring new places shop, museums and restaurants In summer do some gardening,. She is very enjoy cooking so she likes going around market and food stores. Later she makes a delicious meal in the evening
Więc tak... Dużo błędów tu nie było. Poprawiłam niektóre wyrazy, które moim zdaniem lepiej brzmią... Nie jestem jednak pewna czy zauważyłam wszystkie błędy, jeśli ktoś widzi coś więcej prosze również poprawić mnie :D