Hello bearded clam,
No matter whose behind you’re kissing right now please stop for a moment.
I admit that the cerebral deficiency of your doped brain wasn’t a felicitous argument and you deserve a more detailed evaluation but I can do better. Mind you ,you did ask for it yourself not me. But don’t worry pato , I won’t charge you for that.
Have you ever heard about an adjective “chased”. Oh yes , I’m sorry I completely forgot. In what way could you possibly have done it since you’re the scyphozoan hemorrhoid without ears? So “chased”- not hunted or pursued but engraved and embossed as this is apparently what your both junked encephalon and behind look like ( still allow for “apparently” )..
No, on a second thought I think “hunted” is also ok but only as far as your flaming rump is concerned. Otherwise other nice names from now on let me call you Mr Chased Behind if you don’t mind my doing so.:)
You know what , just to make a long story short :
In no better way would you benefit this world but cutting your cruddy crap and going back to your meat rack paying lip service to your fellow daisies.
Next time think twice before you run off at the mouth.
P.S. Don’t take offence nancy-boy, I’m quite tolerant , in fact I really like you. :)
But you wish me harm and you want to physically hurt me. I understand it , but this is not a libel action ( you didn’t actually use a one offensive word). It should immediately be taken as a criminal offence and you should already be detained and accused of INTENT and INCITEMENT to cause aggravated battery under U.S.S.G. § 2L1.2(b)(1)(A).
(a couple of years in the slammer with your lovely circle-jerks carrying a torch for you till you’re retching. ) The Feds (not the Police) in your area should already be tracking down your IP address and then raiding your burrow. If an attorney is smart your post alone would be enough to put you in jail for some time until you’re bailed out.
Meanwhile , I would just like to do a humble profile on lousy you. Not to worry, you can still sue me for defamation while you’re in the caboose but I doubt it as I didn’t use a one swear word either.