sprawdzcie krotkie zadanko prosze!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
prosze sprawdzcie moje zadanko. trzeba wybraz jedna najlepsza opcje: moje odpowiedzi zamieszczam ponizej
1. We visited a(n) ………………. temple that was built thousands of years ago.
a) ancient b) traditional c) old-fashioned d) previous
2. Education in Poland is ……….. for children ranging in age from 6 to 16.
a) obliged b) dutiful c) conscientious d) compulsory
3. The travellers were asked to tell their most …………. stories of the nightmarish side
of international travelling.
a) terribly b) horrific c) horrified d) trouble
4. FBI is a(n) ……….. for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
a) short cut b) shortened c) summary d) abbreviation
5. Many books are banned in British schools ……….. to their content.
a) because b) as c) due d) for
6. Jessie didn’t always want to be an actress, but she did ……….. go to drama school.
a) lastly b) at end c) eventually d) at least
7. The majority of American teenagers ………. attempts to limit their access to the
a) disapprove b) object c) argue d) oppose
8. He………… escaped injury when he slipped on the stairs.
a) closely b) narrowly c) little d) dangerously
9. Quick ……….. has to be taken to avoid further mistakes.
a) action b) steps c) charge d) measures
10. - When does the plane leave, Jill?
- ………. honey, we still have four hours left.
a) Take your time b) Despite that c) Not at all d) Hurry up

1a 2d 3?? 4d 5c 6c 7b 8b 9b 10a
3. horrific
7. d
9. a

apart from the ones above, you got all the others correct


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie