Prośba o sprawdzenie ćwiczenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie ćwiczenia.
Polecenie brzmi: Napisz zdania z przymiotnikami i zaimkami dzierżawczymi.

1. He's got a map.
It's his map. It's his.

2. We've got some biscuits.
They're our biscuits. They're ours.

3. You've got a notebook.
It's your notebook. It's yours.

4. She's got some bangles.
They're her bangles. They're her.

5. I've got a badge.
It's my badge. It's mine.

6. They've got some magazines.
They're their magazines. They're theirs.

7. He's got some CDs.
They're his CDs. They're his.

8. They've got a car.
It's their car. They're theirs.
znalazlem tylko dwa bledy:

4. She's got some bangles.
They're her bangles. They're {hers}.
zapamietaj sobie - wszystkie zaimiki dzierzawcze (oprocz mine) maja s na koncu

8. They've got a car.
It's their car. {It's} theirs.
mowa tutaj o jakims jednym samochodzie, stad mamy 'it'
Cytat: mar1988cin
2. We've got some biscuits.
They're our biscuits. They're ours.

Mnie sie wydaje ze These byloby lepsze zamiast they
Wszystko jest już dla mnie jasne. Dziękuję za pomoc :-)
Cytat: thecheshirecat
Mnie sie wydaje ze These byloby lepsze zamiast they

These (jak i those; this, that) sluzy do wskazywania, nakierowywania; natomiast they (jak i it) sluzy do identyfikacji:

A: Who's that? (wskazywanie)
B: It's Mr Robinson, our new manager. (identyfikacja)

A: What's this?
B: It's a record-player.

These are my most precious souvenirs - they're all made of china.
That vase on the table, wasn't it given to you by Aunt Helen?
These (jak i those; this, that) sluzy do wskazywania, nakierowywania; natomiast they (jak i it) sluzy do identyfikacji:

This is all true as for this particular example and as long as there’s no need for comparative ‘demonstration’, so to speak. But I don’t see any problems with the following combination of such ‘independent possessives “ ( as they are ) :

“We’ve got some biscuits here but these are mine and those are yours.”
Cytat: savagerhino
This is all true as for this particular example and as long as there’s no need for comparative ‘demonstration’, so to speak. But I don’t see any problems with the following combination of such ‘independent possessives “ ( as they are ) :

“We’ve got some biscuits here but these are mine and those are yours.”

I agree that there's no problem with your independant possessives used in the sentence the way you do, but your sentence is a bit different from the ones dealt with in this particular thread.
What's more, the use of these and those in your sentence is for the people involved in such a situation to select the items and demonstrate possession, to state which is whose - you couldn't substitute these/those for they here, could you? select the items and demonstrate possession, to state which is whose - you couldn't substitute these/those for they here, could you?

Od course it's different ( the situation) and you can't substitute these/those for they here.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.