Proszę o pomoc w uzupełnieniu i sprawdzeniu luk

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o pomoc w dokończeniu zadań. Po prostu ucałuję czyjeś stopy jeśli mi pomoże.
"He produced no reply, looking dumbly stright ahead ____ if in another world." w luce będzie ask czy asking?
W tym zadaniu należy przekształcić zdanie tak by zaczynało się od słowa napisanym drukowanymi literami:
"The reasons for the delay are not yet clear"
- IT IS not yet clear what are the reasons for the delay - <-- czy dobrze?
"Despite his brilliance, he never became famous"
- BRILLIANT as he was .... i nie wiem co dalej
"He didn't know what to do next so he rang me up."
NOT...tu nie wiem nic
"The car wouldn't start, which annoyed him intensely"
TO HIS...jak wyżej :(
"They look identical! How can you_____is which?" Czy tu będzie How can you know which is which?
"It won't be long____fed up with that job" znów nie mam pojęcia
Tu należy przekształcić zdanie tak by zawierało wytłuszczone słowo:
"Would you like me to drive you to the airport?"
LIFT - Would you like me to give you a lift to the airport? <-- czy to dobrze?
"He spends all day sleeping"
BUT - He doesn't do nothing but sleeps all day. <--- dobrze?
"He got the meeting 2 minutes before it was due to begin."
SPARE - tu niestety nie mam pojęcia
hey moge Ci pomoc w niektorych zdaniach :)
"He produced no reply, looking dumbly stright ahead asking if in another world.
IT IS not clear yet what were the reasons for the delay ( tu nie powinna byc strona bierna? dlatego trzeba uzyc z were)
BRILLIANT as he was he never became famous.
Not knowing what to do next he rang me up ( co o tym myslisz? )
To his annoyance, the car wouldn't start( tutaj to taki strzal )
They look identical! How can you which is which?
It won't be long to be fed up with that job( nie bedzie to trwalo dlugo zeby miec juz dosyc tej pracy bo : to be fed up with sth to znaczy miec czegos dosc )
Would you like me to give you a lift to the airport?
He does noting but sleeps all day.
He got 2 minutes to spare before the meeting.

Ja bym to tak zrobila na szybko .pozdrawiam
Cytat: Martina87
Ja bym to tak zrobila na szybko .pozdrawiam

A jakbyś tak chwilę pomyślała, to też tak samo byś zrobiła?
tam sa bledy...


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie