List prywatny do small korekty :) Problem z użyciem czasów.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam do napisania list. Mam jednak pewne obawy. W moim przypadku oczywiście chodzi o czasy. Wiem, że list prywatny piszemy w Present Perfect i Past simple, ale jednak kiedy w tym liście mam umieścić to co myślę o Londynie(na końcu) nie wiem jakiego czasu użyć, także w przypadku tego jak spędzam zwykle weekendy i gdy opisuję rodzinę u której się zatrzymałam-bo przecież to nie jest czas przeszły.
Wydawało mi się, że do listów zawsze używamy przeszłych jednak to niemożliwe.

Bardzo proszę o sprwadzenie błędów i poprawienie czasów.

Dear Lucas,
Thanks for your letter! I also want to tell you something. Two days ago I arrived to London and stayed at my aunts' (my uncle Peter and my aunt Anna) home. Uncle Peter is a medical doctor. He's 39. My aunt Anna is a head of café. When I said her that I'm looking for the job, she proposed me a work at her café, and I agreed! I like my aunts very much. Every Sunday we go to the cinema and watch some interesting movie. They let me watching horrors during all night, and - that's the best thing - they give me a pocket money!

Ok, now I would to describe my week. On the weekday I work from 8 a.m. to 4
p.m., so when I come back home I am to tired to do something else than listen to music and relax. But at the weekend I go to the disco or I'm walking with my new friends.

I love London! I can do here everything, what I want! I like swimming in Thames, walking in the Regent's Park or relax in the garden in front of the Buckingham Palace.

Please, answer my few questions: Have you ever been in London? Have you ever looked for the job?

Best wishes,

Two days ago I arrived to London and stayed at my aunts' (my uncle Peter and my aunt Anna) home.
My aunt Anna is a 'head of café' (cos tu nie tak) . When I 'said' (zle slowo, tutaj TOLD) her that I'm looking for 'the' (popraw) job, she 'proposed' (poszukaj lepsze slowo) 'me' (niepotr) 'a' (niepotr) workING at her café, and I agreed! I like my 'aunts' (ale ile ich masz? pomysl) very much.
They let me 'watching' (pomysl i popraw) horrors during 'all' THE night, and - that's the best thing - they give me 'a' (niepotr) pocket money!

Ok, now I would (tu cos brakuje) to describe my week. On the weekday I work from 8 a.m. to 4
p.m., so when I come 'back' (niepotr) home I am 'to' (zle slowo - popraw) tired to do 'something' ANYTHING else OTHER than listen to music and relax.

HERE I can do 'here' (niepotr) everything(,) (przecinek nie jest potrzebny) 'what' (zle, kalka z polskiego) I want! I like swimming in THE Thames, walking in 'the' (niepotr) Regent's Park or relaxING in the garden in front of 'the' (niepotr) Buckingham Palace.

Please, answer 'my' (zle-popraw) few questions: Have you ever been 'in' TO London? Have you ever looked for 'the' A job?

...arrived to... zauwazylam ze juz poprawione, regards
edytowany przez fui_eu: 09 paź 2010
"But at the weekend I go to the disco or I'm walking with my new friends."

po pierwsze - czemu dwa rozne czasy skoro obie czynnosci sie tak samo powtarzaja? I go... or I walk (a jeszcze lepiej stroll) with my new friends.

a po drugie jesli powiesz komus ze you go to the disco moga zapytac when did you invent a time machine? These days people usually 'go to a club" ;)
On weekdays...
edytowany przez fui_eu: 09 paź 2010
Cytat: fui_eu
...arrived to... zauwazylam ze juz poprawione, regards

I don't think you can say arrive to - in such cases, you use in or at only.
Cytat: fui_eu
On weekdays...

lub zamieniajac the na a we frazie On the weekday
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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