sprawdzie zadanie z anglkika czy dobrze

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Sprawdźcie mi te teksty. Jeśli są gdzieś błędy to je poprawcie.

In my opinion it is a stressful profession, a firefighter, because you must be prepared during a robbery at risk.

In my opinion, a stressful profession is being a doctor, because it is a very difficult job and a poorly thought out move could spowodać oosby death of another.

I want to live in a house, because then I could listen to loud music till late hours and not worry about the neighbors that it was already late at night.

This morning I was at the zoo. I saw a monkey to beat. Someone threw a banana and two monkeys were fighting over it. I was very sad and shocked to see such an event.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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