Most teachers don't make their subject interesting enought.
Most teachers don't 'perform' (nie jestem za pewna czy to najtrafniejsze slowo tutaj) interesting lessons for many reasons. -
Czyli tak może byc czy nie? Nie wiedziałam włąśnie jakiego słówka tu wpisac.
In my opinion, teachers earn not enough and they haven't got initiative or assistance.
Może byc tak? They don't want to do hard in preparing lessons.
Nie wiem czy PREPARING tutaj pasuje. The same can not said about private school teachers. They work under different conditions and they have much more possibilities.
In the other hand, teachers are afraid of chaos in the classroom. They know that, when puppils play a game or make something in groups, they make a lot of noise and they don't listen to the teacher.
I think too, that an interesting lesson depends on the ratio of teacher to pupil. If the teacher doesn't like his pupils, he doesn't want to do anything for them.
As far as I am concerned, I think, that teachers, in spite of all, should make interesting lessons and they should 'seek'.
Nieśmiertelny i błędny często translator uznał, że seek oznacza starac się. For certain it change the ratio of pupils to the school. Chodzi o to że na pewno zmieni się wtedy stosunek ucznia do szkoły.