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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Z góry dziękuję za wszelkie wskazówki i poprawki ;)

In the beautiful, spacious park near my home place is located striking mansion. When I was child I spend nearby a lot of time, now it’s similar. What pull me there?
Palace was building in 1802 for Hörich family, at the end of XX century it was property of government. Now it’s enormous building in a state of ruin and deserted but it gives that it is more interesting and mysterious. Outside is a big, charming park with three ponds. On the biggest of this ponds is island with ruins of the initial manor house. Nearby palace is located agricultural buildings.
Palace has two floor and cellar. In cellar is a few window trough rush into bands of light. It’s make a magnificent impression. On a ground floor is located shabby filthy hall with doors to the seven rooms. Everyone of them is neglected, but it make sensations spirit of time, everyone lifts the veil of any secrecy. The next floor is more tumbledown than rest of building. Planking is rotten and is threatened with crash. On a second floor is door to the gallery. View from this place is wonderful. Near the balcony is room which unknot question from first paragraph. Eighteen years ago I was being conceiving in this room, there all has been begun. For me this is the most magical place I had ever seen.
edytowany przez ninek123: 23 paź 2010
In the beautiful, spacious park near my home place is located (tu brakuje przedimka) striking mansion. When I was (tu brakuje przedimka) child I spend 'nearby a lot of time' zla kol slow..a lot of...), now it’s similar. What 'pull' PULLS me there?
(tu brakuje przedimka) palace was 'building' (tutaj niestety potrzebujemy czasaownika) in 1802 for (tu brakuje przedimka) Hörich family, at the end of (tu brakuje przedimka) XX century it was (tu brakuje przedimka) property of (tu brkuje przedimka) government. Now it’s (tu brakuje przedimka) enormous building DESERTED AND in a state of ruin 'and deserted' (w zlym miejscu) but it 'gives' (tutaj brakuje pare slow) that it is more interesting and mysterious. Outside THERE is a big, charming park with three ponds. On the biggest of this ponds is (tu brakuje przedimka) island with (tu brakuje przedimka) ruins of the initial manor house. 'Nearby' (nie, uzyj NEAR) (tu brakuje przedimka) palace 'is' (ale jak piszesz o 'buildingS'-l. mn to czasownik tez musi byc l. mn) located agricultural buildings.
(tu brakuje przedimka) palace has two 'floor' (ale 'two' daje mi znac zeby oczekiwac l. mn-popraw) and (tu brakuje przedimka) cellar. In (tu brakuje przedimka) cellar THERE is a few 'window' (tutaj l. mn) 'trough' (zle slowo, tutaj myslisz o THROUGH) rush 'into' (niepotr) bands of light. 'It’s' (nie wiem dlaczego piszesz IT IS - jak tu talko potrzeba IT) ' make' (popraw to odnosi sie do 3os.l.poj) a magnificent impression. On 'a' (niestety zly przedimek) ground floor THERE (nie zapominaj o tym 'there') is located (tu brakuje przedimka) shabby filthy hall with doors to the seven rooms. Everyone of them is neglected, but it 'make' (ale to odnosi sie do 'it'-a it to 3os.l.poj) 'sensations' (zla czesc mowy) spirit of (tu brakuje przedimka) time, everyone lifts the veil of any secrecy. The next floor is more tumbledown than (tu brakuje przedimka) rest of (tu brakuje przedimka) building. (tu brakuje przedimka) planking is rotten and is threatened with 'crash' (zle slowo) . On 'a' (niestey zly przedimek) second floor THERE is (tu brakuje przedimka) door to the gallery. (tu brakuje przedimka) View from this place is wonderful. Near the balcony is (tu brakuje przedimka) room which 'unknot question from first paragraph' (teog to nawet nie rozumiem). Eighteen years ago I was being 'conceiving' (zla czesc mowy ale podpowiem CONCEIVED) in this room, there IT all 'has' (niepotr) 'been' (niepotr) 'begun'(zly czas - tutaj BEGAN). For me this is the most magical place I 'had' (had czy HAVE) ever seen.

Jak sam widzisz masz straszne problemy z uzywaniem przedimkow. Przedimek to 'a' the' i 'an'. Prosze ich uzywac, bez tego kazde zdanie nie jest gramatyczne.

Przepisz to sprawdze pozniej.
In the beautiful, spacious park near my home place is located a striking mansion. When I was a child I spend a lot of time nearby now it’s similar. What pulls me there?
The palace was building in 1802 for the Hörich family, at the end of the XX century it was a property of the government. Now it’s an enormous building in a state of ruin and deserted but it makes a impression that it’s more interesting and mysterious. Outside there is a big, charming park with three ponds. On the biggest of this ponds is an island with the ruins of the initial manor house. Near the palace are located agricultural buildings.
The palace has two floors and a cellar. In the cellar there are a few windows through rush bands of light. It makes a magnificent impression. On the ground floor there is located a shabby filthy hall with doors to the seven rooms. Everyone of them is neglected, but it makes feeling spirit of a time, everyone lifts the veil of any secrecy. The next floor is more tumbledown than the rest of the building. A planking is rotten and is threatened with destruction . On the second floor there is a door to the gallery. A view from this place is wonderful. Near the balcony is a room which answer the question from first paragraph. Eighteen years ago I was being conceived. In this room, there it all began. For me this is the most magical place I’ve ever seen.

Dzięki za wszystkie wskazówki ;p
The palace was 'building' (napisalam w moich wskazowkach ze tu potrzebujemy czasownika -mysle, ze nawet nie wiesz co to jest czasownik tutaj) - a TYy nic na to - bo przeciez moje slowa to jak wiatr). Nie dostosowales sie tez do innych wskazowek - bo chyba wiesz lepiej jak ja.
Koniec mojej pomocy.
Zrobiłam to tak jak najlepiej potrafiłam. Przykro mi, że jakoś dziwnie to odebrałeś. Ale ok. Dzięki za pomoc.
spacious is not usualy used to describe a park.
W ogole w pierwszym zdaniu cos bym zmienil, dla przykladu uzyl bym there is...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

