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Hi Aga,

How are you? I hope you're well. I'm sorry I haven't written for so long, but I didn’t have time. I'm writing to you, because I want to tell you about my fantastic book. This book is the "Pan Tadeusz" and was written by Adam Mickiewicz. It’s a epic set in Litwa.

It’s the story of a boy called Tadeusz and his family. Jacek Soplica, who was the father of Tadeusza in the past killed Stolnika, the father of the beautiful Ewy, in which Jacek was in love. This event caused the escape of Jacka and hiding until his death. His son, Tadeusz, the main character after returning home was impressed by the beautiful girl, however, confused it with another woman. There he recognized his father, who was in disguise, and changed his name. At that time it was prepared in the establishment and the war broke out. The rest you will learn after reading the book.

I like this book. The author has presented a lot of amazing character and really world. It’s funny and interesting. I really wanted to know what was going to happen at the end. You should read it!

Take care


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