An article describing a place.

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Kazimierz Dolny is small town in the Lublin province in the central part of Poland. Situated on the right bank of the Vistula River. It is one of the most beautifully situated little towns in Poland. It is part of the turist triangle: Pulawy- Kazimierz Dolny - Naleczow. It is picturesque place. There is something for everyone.

Kazimierz Dolny is a fabulous town with many antique tenement houses. The main attraction is Three Crosses Top. It is place from which beautiful view is overlooking over the city. You can see from there the Vistula River.

There are a lot of art galleries for art lovers.Parish Church is one of the most visited place in Kazimierz. There are famous organs, built in 1620. Three Crosses Top and Parish Church are situated in the market squere. In the central part of the market squere is renowned well. Next to the well tourists take photos. You can eat in Kazimierz Dolny tasty cocks. It is local delicacy. For people, who enjoy calm and fresh air, I suggest long walks or cruise on the Vistula River. People, who like dancing, can go to clubs, which aren't lacking in Kazimierz.Of course, I couldn't decribe all attractive place in Kazimierz. Their is too much.

I think you must see Kazimierz Dolny. You can't miss out on a visit to Kazimierz. With ist rich history and picturesque beauty, it will be memorable.