please check letter and correct mistakes

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
My name is Adam Wykałaczka and I am writing to you (Mr and Mrs) regarding software which I possessed on my computer and I was punished. I was borrowed it from my friend and I than forgot to remove it. I got an order to fix the harm. I guess that you didn't get information form polish court.
Now a Polish court requires me to pay them (the deposit of the court) and not the injured person that is you. I hope that you do not feel injured or robbed because I was not even aware that borrowing from friends programs is illegal. I don't know how it is in your country.
I am out of work because in Poland is high unemployment and even a person with an education have a problem finding a job. So I hope that you will not require me to pay you. I would like to buy once your program and be able to use it legally but it is yet to come when I finish school. As you can see I weakly writing in English. I would like you to ask for signed and stamped document that you prepared, if you agree, of course. Such evidence I have presented in court, not to go to jail. I hope that it won't be a problem for you to send it to me. I put in an envelope, $ 10 for dispatch to the Poland, I hope that it will be sufficient. I am grateful for your help.
edytowany przez bajus_pl: 09 gru 2010
My name is Adam Wykałaczka and I am writing to you (Mr and Mrs- nie rozumiem tego w srodku zdania, tak NIGDY sie nie pisze) regarding (a gdzie przedimek? zamazl?) software which I possessed 'on' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj, to jest najmniej kalka z polskiego, - ale kupujesz FOR) my computer and I was 'punished' (calkowicie zle slowo, przeciez nie jestes sado-machokista?). I 'was' (nie rozumiem dlaczego piszesz tutaj 'was'?) borrowed it from my friend and I 'than' (ortog) forgot to remove it. I got 'an order' (cos tu nie tak, n ie moge tego rozszyfrowac) to fix the 'harm' (jaki '#harm' czy masz na mysli 'virus'?). I guess that you didn't get ( przedimek) information 'form' (zle slowo, moze byc liter) Polish Court.
Now a Polish Court requires me to pay them (the deposit) 'of the court'(chyba niepotr) and not the injured person 'that' WHICH is you. I hope that you do not feel injured or 'robbed' (zle slowo) because I was not even aware that borrowing (ale co? musisz napisac) from (przedimek) friend's programs is illegal. 'I don't know how it is in your country' (to wg mnie jest niepotr- kazdy wie, ze robic nielegalne kopie jest illegal).
I am out of work because in Poland THERE is high unemployment (tak samo jak na calym swiecie-co to ma do rzeczy?) and even a person with an education 'have' (popraw, tu 3os.l.poj) a problem finding a job.
I would like to buy 'once your program' (zla kol slow) and be able to use it legally (przecinek)but it is 'yet to come' (tego nie rozumiem) when I finish school. As you can see I AM 'weakly' WEAK IN writing in English. I would like you to ask for signed and 'stamped document' (musisz napisac to dokladniej, bo ja nie rozumiem jakiego 'stamp' potrzeba) that you ARE prepared (ale po co? na co?) , if you agree, of course. Such evidence I 'have' (cos tu nie rozumiem, czy to juz zrobiles, czy masz zamiar to robic?) 'presented' (chyba czas prrzyszly) in court, IN ORDER not to go to jail.
I put in an envelope, $ 10 for dispatch to 'the' (po co to 'the' tutaj?) Poland, I hope that it will be sufficient.
dzięki, teraz będę musiał rozszyfrować twoje poprawki.
musisz napisac to dokladniej, bo ja nie rozumiem jakiego 'stamp' potrzeba)
chodzi o pieczątkę i podpis na dokumencie, który będzie załącznikiem do tego listu, dokument bedzie przygotowany tak jakby osoba do której piszę go stworzyła. Jeśli akceptuje moją wersję to proszę tę osobę o złożenie podpisu i pieczątki.
jakie słowo zamiast "punished" ?
Mr and Mrs- nie rozumiem tego w srodku zdania, tak NIGDY sie nie pisze = chciałem tutaj napisać "piszę do Państwa w sprawie..." ale nie wiedziałem jak :P
I got 'an order' (cos tu nie tak, n ie moge tego rozszyfrowac) to fix the 'harm'

ja dostałem nakaz naprawić moje szkody.

coś takiego chciałem napisać.


Pomoc językowa