krytyka artykulu part II (prosba o sprawdzenie II czesci mojeo esseju)

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Dziekuje za pomoc przy pierwszej czesci mojej krytyki.Niestety zeby dostac jakas przyzwoita ocene musze miec calosc napiana w miare...
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Furthermore the author presents how the translation methods have been changing along many years. The reader can get to know the manner of developing not only polish linguists, but also polish language. The author explains this point very briefly by using English names eg Josie and the Polish equivalents used by the translator eg.Józia ,whereas nowadays some of these counterparts are disused in our mother-tongue.If the language change so that is why the transaltion should be changed every few years.I think it would help a lot young people because nowadys apperenace of oldfashion words only distract readers. Zborowska clarifies that many translators have problems with converting simple English sentences into polish language, because is very hard to do the translation which has the same significance like in English as well as don not fall apart in terms of a structure. The author emphasized that the lack of polish equivalents of the English words makes the work of the translator much harder. In the article is mentioned a literal translation that is word-for-word method ,which by the author will not be able to transfer the original meaning. Zborowska presents her point by using a translation of the same text done by a few different linguists. Readers can simply notice that polish translations of one english text is different from one to each other.
Moreover in the article it is written extensively about translating names . Motylinska mentions about a few polish translator who used different methods in converting names. Some of them used domestication which is translating foreign names into the closest polish equivalents. On the other hand some of the linguists left the original names without the polish translation. Zborowska does not share her opinion about that with the reader,rather stays neutral. Nowadays is known that the English language has become more popular than a few years ago ,what is more it is widely thought in schools and an occurrence English names in the text does not surprise anyone. Nevertheless it cannot be forgotten that the book “Ann from Green Gables” is suitable for kids and presenting English names might confused young readers and cause they will have problems with pronunciation as well as spelling.
In a conclusion I think the Maria Zborowska-Motylinska article's was really helpful to understand the work of the translators. It shows how much depends on not only on the language what is translated for but also on interpretation of the translator,his point of view, linguist's ability and experience. Being a "secondary" author, the translator is required to accept special obligations with respect to the author of the original work and audience which are going to read the book. This article is perfect for students who think about the work as a translator which is not as easy as it seems to be. Reading this article is not only enjoyable but also helps to extend our knowledge on the linguistic side.
co nikt mi nie pomoze:(
Furthermore (przecinek) the author 'presents' (daj ine slowo, np demonstrates, illustrates) how the translation methods have been changing 'along' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo) many years. The reader 'can get to know' (napisz to wiecej formalnie) the manner of developing not only (tu cos brakuje, tylko nie wiem co, bo nie moge zrozumiec zdania) Polish (duza litera na Polish) linguists, but also (brak przedimka) Polish language. The author explains this point 'very briefly' (napisz cos innego, moze succinctly) by using English names e.g. Josie and the Polish equivalents used by the translator eg. Józia ,whereas nowadays some of these counterparts are 'disused' (co to niby za slowo, napisz cos innego) in 'our' (ale ja nie wiem jaki jest 'twoj' mother-tongue, nie pisz tak) mother-tongue. If the language 'change' (dostosuj do 3 os.lpoj) so 'that is why' (niepotr) TOO the transaltion should be changed every few years. I think THAT it would help a lot young people because nowadys 'apperenace' (co to za slowo, napisz poprawnie) of 'old-fashion' (po pierwsze piszemy 'old-fasioned' ale i tak to jest zle slwo, moze 'antiquated' )words only distractS readers. Zborowska 'clarifies' (zle slowo- napisz cos innego) that many translators have problems with converting simple English sentences into (brak przedimka) Polish language, because is very hard to 'do the translation' (nie pisz tak, napisz translate) (tu zapomnialas napisac co? np words, structures) which 'has' HAVE the same significance 'like in' (co? przewstan z tym 'like', to tylko powinno byc uzywane w 'I like you' nic nie jest 'like English;', bo albo jest English albo nie) IN English as well as 'don not fall' (co to jest? popraw) apart in terms of a structure. The author emphasizeS that the lack of Polish (dlaczego piszesz to slowo mala litera? to ma byc duza, bo tu o zadnym sprzataniu nie piszesz) equivalents of the English words makes the work of the translator much harder. 'In the article is mentioned' (napisz to poprzwnie...The article mentions) a literal translation that is word-for-word method ,which 'by the author' (co to tutaj robi? nie rozumiem tego) will not be able to transfer the original meaning. Zborowska presents her point by using a translation of the same text 'done' (nie pisz takich niskich slow w formalnym ;ismie, daj tutaj 'undertaken') by a few different linguists. Readers can simply notice that THE Polish translations of one English (English piszemy duzymi literami) text is different from one 'to each other' (nie, to jest zle, tutaj 'another').
Moreover, (przecinek) 'in the article it is written' (przeciez to jest oczywistre, co ty wypisujesz...napisz ..the article (np expands- ale moze inne) extensively about translating names . Motylinska mentions 'about' (niepotr) a few Polish (co ty masz do tego slowa, Polish piszemy do chj duzymi literami) translatorS who used different methods in converting names. Some of them used domestication which is translating foreign names into the closest Polish (naucz sie ze Polish piszemy duzymi literami) equivalents. On the other hand some of the linguists left the original names without the Polish translation. Zborowska does not share her opinion 'about that' (po co to? co to dodaje) with the reader, SHE rather stays neutral. Nowadays IT is known that the English language has become more 'popular' (nie, nie tak, tutaj 'widely used') than a few years ago , AND what is more it is widely 'thought ' (myslac, kto? co? o czym mysli? popraw) in schools and an occurrence OF English names in the text does not surprise anyone. Nevertheless (przecinek) it cannot be forgotten that the book “Ann from Green Gables” is suitable for 'kids' (nie pisz tego slowa, tutaj 'children') and presenting English names might 'confused' CONFUSE young readers and 'cause they' (consequently they may) 'will' (nie uzywaj 'will' bo to jest za silne-tutaj nie masz zadnych badan zeby to twierdzic) have problems with pronunciation as well as WITH spelling.
In a conclusion I think THAT the Maria Zborowska-Motylinska article's was really helpful to understand the work of the translators. It shows how much depends on not only on the language what is translated for (przecinek przed 'but') but also on THE interpretation of the translator,his point of view, linguist's ability and experience. Being a "secondary" author, the translator is required to accept special obligations with respect to the author of the original work and audience which are going to read the book. This article is perfect for students who 'think about' (nie, nie pisz tak...are considering becoming a translator) 'the work as a translator' (niepotr) which is not as easy as it 'seems to be' APPEARS. Reading this article is not only enjoyable (przecinek przed but) but IT also helps to extend our LINGUISTIC knowledge. 'on the linguistic side' (niepotr)
disused-mialam kiedys to slowo jako false firend,cos co nie jest wiecej uzywane
manner of developing-sposob rozwijania sie nie tylko translatorów ale tez jezyka polskiego

In the article is mentioned a literal translation that is word-for-word method ,which by the author will not be able to transfer the original meaning.=chodzilo mi ze wedlug autora,wiec moze according to the author of the article...?
dziekuje za pomoc!
'disused'-mialam kiedys to slowo jako false 'firend' (co to za slowo?) ,cos co nie jest wiecej uzywane....wszyscy wiemy co to jest 'false friend'..i dlaczego to uzywasz WIEDZAC, ze to jest 'false friend'??? No, dlaczego????

manner of developing-sposob rozwijania sie nie tylko translatorów ale tez jezyka polskiego

'In the article is mentioned' (TAK nie piszemy, ...piszemy The article mentions....) a literal translation that is word-for-word method ,which ACCORDING 'by' (niepotr) TO the author will not be able to transfer the original meaning.
...tak, ale ty nie piszesz to, o co ci chodzi...jak ja pisze ze czegos nie rozumiem, to znaczy ze to zadnego sensu niema.
'In the article is mentioned' (TAK nie piszemy, ...piszemy The article mentions....) a literal translation that is word-for-word method ,which ACCORDING 'by' (niepotr) TO the author will not be able to transfer the original meaning.
...tak, ale ty nie piszesz to, o co ci chodzi...jak ja pisze ze czegos nie rozumiem, to znaczy ze to zadnego sensu niema. -------wiec co ,lepiej tego w ogole nie pisac?
-i czy cos da sie z robic z tym moim manner of developing.czyli ze artykul pozwala nam zrozumiec jak rozwijali sie tlumacze (czy metody) jak i sam jezyk sie rozwijal na przestrzeni lat.
jeszcze bylabym wdzieczna jakbyc mogl/mogla spojrzec na to zdanie:
However, the author doesn’t mention the importance of the translator's experience and ability. The linguistic experience of the translator doesn't provide the correctly done work. I truly believe that only a person who has touched a bit of the Canadian culture is able to reflect the foreign culture better than a person who hasn't.The
However, the author doesn’t mention the importance of the translator's experience and ability. The linguistic experience of the translator doesn't 'provide' (dalabym tu 'guarantee') 'the correctly done work' (nie, nie tak, trzeba wiecej formalnie...a true reflection of the meaning of the text). I truly believe that only a person who has 'touched' (moze 'experienced') a 'bit' (daj lepsze slowo) of the Canadian culture is able to reflect the foreign culture better than a person who hasn't.
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