Sprawdzenie opowiadania. Bardzo proszę o pomoc!:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam;) Mam prośbę, czy mógłby ktoś sprawdzić czy moje opowiadanie jest poprawnie napisane? Bardzo proszę:))

It was three o’clock in the morning when the phone rang… The weather was awful! It was very cold outside. Raindrops were pattering on the windowpane and the strong wind was blowing. When I heard my phone I get up immediately and answered. It was my friend Charlie. He told only: ‘ You girlfriend have to 30 minutes airplane to Spain. Harry up!’ and hung up. I was very surprised and bewildered. But three minutes later I understood everything… The day earlier I extremely quarreled with my girlfriend Sara. She had been crying for two hours and when she was leaving my home she told ‘ I’m go away.’ But I was very angry, so I didn’t flapped these words. But in this moment I understood that it wasn’t joke. I couldn’t let her go… I dressed up quickly, took keys of my car and I drove as quick as I been able to. The road was very slippery, it was thick fog, I didn’t see anything, so I had to slow down. Twenty five minutes later I reached at the airport. When I was looking for Sara I hear that ‘ the plane to Spain just took off …’ I was very sad in this moment. I approached to the big window and I was looking as my Sara depart. Suddenly I heard behind someone’s steps. I turned around and I saw her. She was crying and smiling concurrently. ‘ I’m sory. I can’t live without you’ I said ‘ Will you marry me? ‘ She was only smiled and said ‘ Of course’…
Raindrops were pattering on the windowpane and the strong wind was blowing. When I heard my phone I 'get' (zly czas- tutaj GOT) up immediately and answered (ale co? potrzebujesz IT).
He 'told' SAID only: ‘ You girlfriend 'have' HAS (co to z tymi 3os.l.poj?) 'to' (PO CO TO?) 30 minutes TO CATCH AN airplane to Spain. 'Harry' (o jakim Harry piszesz, Harry to imie- tutaj potrzeba HURRY) up!’ and hung up.
The day earlier I 'extremely quarreled' (zla kol slow i nie wiem czy 'extremely ' to jest najlepsze slowo tutaj) with my girlfriend Sara. She had been crying for two hours and when she was leaving my home she told (ale komu? musisz napisac ME) ‘ I’m goING away.’ But I was very angry, so I didn’t 'flapped' (cos to za dziwne slowo- napisz inne) these words. But 'in' AT this moment I understood that it wasn’t (a gdzie przedimek?) joke.
I dressed 'up' (niepotr) quickly, took 'keys of my car' (nie, napisz to inaczej...MY CAR KEYS) and I drove as quickLY as I 'been able to' (nie, nie tak, daj tutaj COULD).
Twenty five minutes later I reached 'at' (niepotr) the airport. When I was looking for Sara I 'hear' HEARD that ‘ the plane to Spain HAD just 'took' TAKEN off …’ I was very sad 'in' AT this moment. I approached 'to the' (zle, daj tutaj 'a') big window and I was looking as my Sara departED. Suddenly I heard 'behind someone’s steps' (zla kol slow..someone's steps...me).
I’m 'sory' (no, jak piszemy to SORRY, to chyba wiesz).
She 'was' (niepotr) only smiled and said ‘ Of course’…(generalnie dziewczyny piszcza 'yes' yes' yes)
Dziękuje bardzo za pomoc:)


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