Proszę o sprawdzenie, 3 zdania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Rząd na pewno nie dopuści do zamknięcia naszej fabryki jeżeli tylko wynegocjujemy lepsze warunki.
I'm sure that the government not to allow to bankrupty our factory if we only negotiace better conditions.
Gdyby narzucono im ograniczenia w eksporcie kawy, musieliby zacząć uprawiać jakąś inną roślinę
If restrictions were thrown on the coffe export thay have to start cultivate some another plant.
Globalizacja umożliwia wolny handel, lepszy wybór miejsc pracy i wyższe zarobki.
Globalizacion creates opportunities to free trade, to better choice of place of work and higher earnings.
I'm sure that the government will not allow to close our factory if we only negotiate better conditions.

If any restrictions regarding the export of coffee were imposed on them, they would have to start growing another plant.

Globalization creates opportunities for free trade, a better choice of jobs and higher salaries.
No guarantee!
>>>I'm sure that the government will not allow 'to close' THE CLOSURE OF our factory if we only negotiate better conditions.