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Parents have taught us to never talk to strangers since childhood. When we are young we try to observe this rule. In adult life we often forget about this rule. We sometimes talk to stranger. These conservations often are positively surprising , because the stranger can be a kindred spirit and interesting person, from whom we can learn a lot.
Once on a sunny afternoon I went for a walk with my dog along the lake. Suddenly my dog started to behave strangely. He stopped to play and he started to look carefully at trees by the lake. Suddenly I saw there strangely dressed women with a huge briefcase. A easel stood beside her. Women smiled, when she saw my dog. I approached towards her to see what she was painting. We started to talk. Her name is Joanna. She was born here, but she has lived in the USA since forty years. She comes here every year and she paints her favourite places, people. During stay in the USA she remembers all beautiful times, which she spent over the lake. Despite the fact she is lonely she can enjoy life. She showed me her briefcase with her pictures. They were amazing. I have never seen such beautiful pictures. Conservation with Joanna was so amazing that I lost track of time. I had to part with her, but she promised that she would call me.
Joanna is my friend since that time. We meet every year. I like listening her. She always gives me good advices. She is very crazy. I got a beautiful picture from her as a memento.
Parents have taught us (daj ..since childhood) never TO talk to strangers 'since childhood' (niepotr).
We sometimes talk to 'stranger' (popraw, albo daj l. poj i wtedy przedimek albo l. mn). These 'conservations' (calkowicie zle slowo) often are positively surprising , because the stranger can be a kindred spirit and (brak przedimka) interesting person, from whom we can learn a lot.
He stopped to play and he started to look carefully at (brak prxzedimka) trees by the lake. Suddenly I saw there (brak przedimka) strangely dressed 'women' (dlaczego tu jest l. mnoga?) with a huge briefcase. 'A' (zly przedimek) easel stood beside her. 'Women' (dlaczego tu jest l. mnoga, ma byc l. poj i przedimek) smiled, when she saw my dog. I approached 'towards' (niepotr) her to see what she was painting.
She was born here, but she has lived in the USA 'since' (nie, poszukaj i popraw) forty years. She comes here every year and she paints her favourite places(,) (daj AND) people. During (brak slowa) stay in the USA she remembers all (brak przedimka) beautiful times, which she spent 'over' (zle slowo) the lake. Despite the fact she is lonely she can STILL enjoy life.
'Conservation' (zle slowo - popraw) with Joanna was so amazing that I lost track of (brak przedimka) time.
I like listening (brak slowa) her. She always gives me good 'advices' (popraw to slowo) . I got a beautiful picture from her as a 'memento.' (ortog)

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