sprawdzenie pracy - 'moje życie'

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I was born in the small town of Zabrze in Silesia. I have lived here for 15 years, in the same place, in the same flat with my parents. My earliest memory it's first day in the kindergarten. I went with my friend, dad and his father. I remember my primary school. it was small but very nice. there I was met my friends. have been in secondary school.I will at secondary school in two years. I have changed [ teraz nie wiem jak napisać, że urosłam, wydoroślałam itp. Mimo, że nadal jestem młoda] I will go to study,and later I will work.

Nie jestem za dobra z angielskiego, wiec domyslam sie, ze bedzie tu sporo błędów. Dlatego proszę o poprawki, to dla mnie ważne :)
Z góry dziękuję :*
Cytat: agusia641
I was born in the small town of Zabrze NIE TAKIE MALE MIASTO, BEZ PRZESADY :-) in Silesia. I have lived here for 15 years, in the same place, in the same flat with my parents. My earliest memory IS MY first day in the kindergarten. I went with my friend, dad and his father. I remember my primary school. it was small but very nice. there I was met=BYŁAM SPOTKALAM my friends. have been in secondary school NIE ROZUMIEM 'BYLAM W SZKOLE SREDNIEJ'.I will BRAK CZASOWNIKA at secondary school TEZ NIEZROZUMIALE in two years. I have changed [ teraz nie wiem jak napisać, że urosłam, wydoroślałam itp. Mimo, że nadal jestem młoda] I HAVE GROWN TALLER AND I AM MORE MATURE, BUT STILL YOUNG! I will go to study,and later I will work.

Nie jestem za dobra z angielskiego, wiec domyslam sie, ze bedzie tu sporo błędów. Dlatego proszę o poprawki, to dla mnie ważne :)
Z góry dziękuję :*