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"holiday working - essay, bad and good sides."

What do you thing about working at school holidays? There is quite a lot opinion. Here I would show bad and good sides of the matter.
Firstly, you do not have, or have but not too much, time. For example, you are working from 8 am to 4-5 pm. It is really few time for training, playing computer games, meeting friends of family. Apart from that, you would have to get up early! Secondly, you are completely distracted from studies and thinking – after a month you will have problem with addition and substraction.
Last but not least bad side is parental consent for spending your salary. They may say: "If you have cash, you will buy all books and notebooks you need yourself!" It must be depressing.
Good side of holiday working is certainly earning money. You have cash for your necessities (if your parents not decided other way) and you can spend it for what you want to. The other reason is your pocket money. If you are raising money, it would be an extra occasion to sum up savings and salary and realise your dreams.
The greatest point is that you are learning regularity and fulfil one's obligations other than schooling. And also you are learning how to spend money – your own, hard-earned money is dificult to spend.
Thirdly, you are becoming independent of your parents, and it must be stressed that you are collecting very important experience. So, who do not want to be an adult?
All in all, working at holidays is useful, you can capture more than only money – moral values. It is incredibly important this years.

What do you thing about working 'at' DURING school holidays? There is quite a lot opinion. Here I would show (brak przedimka) bad and (brak przedimka) good sides of the matter.
It is really 'few' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) time for training, playing computer games, meeting friends of family.
Last (przecinek) but not least (przecinek) (brak przedimka) bad side is parental consent for spending your salary. They may say: "If you have cash, you will buy all (brak przedimka) books and notebooks you need yourself!"
You have cash for your necessities (if your parents (brak slowa) not decided other way) and you can spend it 'for' ON what you want to.
If you are raising money, it would be an extra occasion to 'sum up' (nie za bardzo trafne) savings and salary and (brak slowa) realise your dreams.
The greatest point is that you are learning regularity and 'fulfil' (zla czesc mowy) (brak slowa) one's obligations other than schooling.
Thirdly, you are becoming independent of your parents, and it must be stressed that you are collecting (brak przedimka) very important experience. So, who 'do' WOULD not want to be an adult?
All in all, working 'at' DURING holidays is useful, you can capture more than only money – moral values. It is incredibly important 'this years' (nowadays).




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