Virtual barbershop - txt

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Slucham tego nagrania, mniej więcej rozumiem, ale nie wszystko. Nie chcę do tego tłumaczenia, ale tekst, żebym mógł sobie sam przetłumaczyc. To co wiedziałem to napisałem poniżej. Ale prosiłbym o sprawdzenie i napisanie poprawnie, zebym mogl sprawdzic błędy.;) Ponizej umieszczam link do nagrania i moj tekst:

"oh, hello there, hello there. How are you. yes, yes. You were heart for virtual hair cut?
yes. it's okay. I will go get the .... He will come in cut your hair. I'm manual
, just stay right there. hallo ..., hallo ..., aayooh? Hallo ... It's mannuel here. .....
you better come on.... I can't right now.hi's comin' up right now and mean i will go over here
and play the music, play the guitar because that's what I do here the barbershop.
aaa....nice to see you. welcome to the .... barbershop....and your virtual hair cut.
I'd like to start the demonstration by moving over to your right...side and pickin up this bag.
If you just fall still for second. I put this bag over your head. Just like that.The bag over top
the head. and now I pick the beg off. there were go. The only reason I do that is because
all of defensy barbershops do that.....very quickly washing my hands. Mannuel, can you get it, please?
ohh..thank you mannuel. let me finish washinh my hand here....only what doing is using your head.
It's the listening point. And we have two microphone one the underside the head. In the sing
position is ...your left, and do your right...Your brain is doing all of the work. Telling you
where the sounds are coming from. okay..I'll go get the sizers. Let's it sharp....very close
to the right ear. follow me and moving back the head to the left the ear's a perfect
and arround back, and on your left. I think he looks wonderfull. Manuel, what do you think?
yes, he looks wonderfull ....You do such nice work. Oh thank you so much mannuel.
so fast, look arround. I just want to tell you once more.....where I am is a ...
arround the room is simply the amazing power of your brain. calculating the tiny difrences...
in sound in ...from two open ears. And unlike any other hearing instruments. only one
has the digital algorythim...unpsychical presence in the ear to .. restore those differences.
That algorythim is cold .... oh thank you so much for stopin...virtual barbershop.
good bye and...."

niech mi ktos pomoze. ;) chcialbym dokladnie wiedziec co zle napisalem i zrozumiec dokladnie co pisze.;)

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and me I’ll go over here - MEANWHILE I’LL
bear with a few - bear with ME FOR a few
negates on physical - negates ITS OWN physical
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