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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Being an adult is the dream of life for many young people, but fo the elderly is very tiring. It is associated with many types of challanges that are sometimes also opportunity of a lifetime. By law we can have full freedom and enjoy life, no one orders us, but come new responsibilities as the job. We can, for exapmle find an interesting job where we can advance. We could earn for a life and save some money.
On the other hand it is difficult to live on own
account, because we still need to pay for something own money. Bills for
light, water, gas, etc. it never cease to come.
Adulthood entails the end of the large amounts of free time, partys and clubs, but don't always have to sit at work from sunrise to sunset. During the leave, we can travel around the world ( if we have enough money ) and see the beautiful country. It expands our mind and makes us
happy also we must remember the consequences of our
actions and responsibilities in order to be smarter and not make stupid mistakes anymore. Being
adult has its pluses and minuses, and some of us are prepared to do this
step, others do not.


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