1: Lost:
Small,brown dog with blue eyes and 'with' a white ear.
If you find (brak przedimka) dog,please contact me my mobilephone 'nr' No. is 567-456-456
2: Hi Tom,
I arrive 'to' IN London at 7.P.M.
I (a gdzie czasownik?) (brak przedimka) little tired (brak slowa) my journey. My room is very nice with view 'on' OF the city. I'm not (tu brakuje 2 slowa) hotel because I must go to the bank.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I 'would like to write' (nie, I am writing) this letter because my new radio stopped working. I bought this radio in 'you' (ortog) shop two weeks ago.
'After one week' (zla kol slow) 'from' THE date of 'buying' PURCHASE When I 'am' (czas przeszly) listening to music this radio stopped 'play' (zly czas).
This radio was IN your service but again IT (brak slowa) not work. I called 'to' (niepotr) the service but nobody will come to me. I AM disappointed because I can not listen (tu brakuje slowa) my favourite radio station..
I am not 'interesting' (zla czesc mowy) 'me' (niepotr) IN swapping (tu brakuje slowa) 'to' FOR (brak przedimka) new model.
I am waiting for (brak przedimka) quick answer. Please contact me (brak slowa) my mobile phone number is 456-456-567.
Yours faithtfully,
4.Dear Tom,
'I'am' (zle, albo I AM albo I'm...) writting this letter because I would like to tell you about my new job.
I work as (brak przedimka) babysiter in England. I have been 'has' (zle slowo) for 3 weeks.
Next I go to the baker's and I buy 'a' (niepotr) fresh brown bread.When I come back 'to' (niepotr) home I go to the market and I buy 'fruits' FRUIT and vegetables.
I am going for a 'walking' (zla czesc mowy) with children to the park and we eat ice -cream. I 'liked' (czas teraz) my job.
Maybe you will 'go' (zle slowo, 'go' znaczy 'isc') to me 'on' (niepotr) next weekend?
I miss 'for' (niepotr) my country. I 'very' (zle uzycie 'very...poszukaj jak to sie uzywa i popraw) miss my family.
I'm waiting for 'you' (ortog) quick answer.