Opowiadanie-proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisz opowiadanie o nastolatku, który w czasie wycieczki szkolnej ratuje kolegów będących w niebezpieczeństwie.

It was a sunny November day when Steven was riding to the New York by bus with his classmates and tutor. They hoped that they would see the most interesting monuments of “Big Apple”.

The driver decided to take a break because they were riding three hours. They stopped in Miami to buy something to eat and drink but also to take a photo that beautiful place. A few students went to the forbidden place where they might be imperilled.

Suddenly, someone had started loudly screaming, Steven hearing it decided to run there to see what happened. Mac and Tom sited on the tree because under them were three crocodiles.
That predators were really big and aggressive. They had also sharp teeth and were really greedy. Mac and Tom were terrified and they even started crying. Steven was so brave that he was going to help his friends. He well knew that crocodiles are afraid of fire and noise. He bought lighter and fireworks which could scared them at a shop. Steven had lighted fireworks and threw among crocodiles. Sparks and noise had scared reptiles and they got away to the forest. Tom and Mac had left the tree and went to the bus.

Steven had become a hero and received prize for saving his friends. Mac and Tom understood that they should have listened to their teacher.

Prosiłbym o sprawdzenie pod względem matury tzn. ile dostałbym punktów na 18 możliwych oraz wskazanie konkretnych błędów
Cytat: swagger
Napisz opowiadanie o nastolatku, który w czasie wycieczki szkolnej ratuje kolegów będących w niebezpieczeństwie.

It was a sunny November day when Steven was riding to the<-USUN New York by bus with his classmates and tutor. They hoped that they would see the most interesting monuments of “THE Big Apple”.

The driver decided to take a break because they were PAST PERF CONT riding FOR three hours. They stopped in Miami to buy something to eat and drink but also to take a photo JEDNO? PRZYIMEK that beautiful place. A few students went to the forbidden place NIE WIEM DO JAKIEGO, DLACZEGO THE? where they might be imperilled ARRESTED?.

Suddenly, someone had TO JEST KOLEJNE WYDARZENIE, A WIEC SIMPLE PAST started screaming LOUDLY, hearing it STEVEN decided to run there to see what PAST PERFECT happened. Mac and Tom sited PAST CONTINUOUS on the tree because under them were three crocodiles.
ThE predators were really big and aggressive. They ALSO had sharp teeth and were really greedy. Mac and Tom were terrified and they even started crying. Steven was so brave that he was going NIE ROZUMIEM, ZLY CZAS to help his friends. He well knew that crocodiles are afraid of fire and noise. He bought A lighter and fireworks which could scared<-BEZOKOLICZNIK them at a shop. NO, NO I NIKOMU W SKLEPIE NIE POWIEDZIAL? Steven had SIMPLE PAST LIT THE fireworks and threw CO? among crocodiles. THE Sparks and noise had SIMPLE PAST scared THE reptiles and they RAN , BO 'GOT' ZNACZY 'WYDOSTALY SIE (Z ZAMKNIECIA ITP.) away to the forest. Tom and Mac had SIMPLE PAST left the tree and went to the bus.

Steven had SIMPLE PAST become a hero and received PRZEDIMEK prize for saving his friends. Mac and Tom understood that they should have listened to their teacher.

Prosiłbym o sprawdzenie pod względem matury tzn. ile dostałbym punktów na 18 możliwych oraz wskazanie konkretnych błędów PO PIERWSZE NARRACJE PROWADZI SIE W PAST PERFECT. NIE ZNAM SIE NA PUNKTACH MATURALNYCH
Thanks a lot


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