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I would like to talk about the first anniversary of tragedy in Smoleńsk. It was on the 10 th of April 2010, exactly one year ago, when the plane crashed down in Smoleńsk. There were 96 passengers on the board, including Polish president Lech Kaczyński, his wife Maria and many well-known Polish politicians and the other important people. Unfortunately, no one survived.
A year after this tragedy Polish people prove that they still remember. We commemorated this special day last week. I think that this day will remain in Polish history forever. In Polish media we could see many transmissions from this event. On Sunday, which was absolutely a special day, thousands of people came to the place in front of President’s Palace to participate in the celebrations for the memory of all victims. There were a lot of candles, lights and flowers and many people hold a cross in their hands. It was really moving moment for all Poles.
Many platforms transmitted some coverages, which shown that in Cracow hundreds of people came to Wawel to participate in the celebrations for the memory of all the victims. They brought flowers and lights and they waited patiently to enter the crypt where Lech Kaczyński and his wife are buried. In Warsaw people gathered in Powązki Cemetery and in the place in the front of President’s Palace. What is more, the speculations about the reason of the tragedy come back. However, probably long time will be needed to discover the truth. There is no doubt that what happened in Russia one year ago was one of the greatest tragedies in the history.
I would like to talk about the first anniversary of (brak przedimka) tragedy in Smoleńsk. It was on the 10 th of April 2010, exactly one year ago, when 'the' (tutaj napisz 'a' i daj dokladnie nazwe tego plane) plane crashed down in Smoleńsk (in.....). There were 96 passengers on 'the' (niepotr) board, including THE Polish President Mr. Lech Kaczyński, his wife Maria and many well-known Polish politicians and 'the' (niepotr - masz problemy z przedimkami, naucz sie ich) other important people.
A year after this tragedy Polish people 'prove' (tu ma byc czas przeszly) that they still remember. There were a lot of candles, lights and flowers and many people 'hold' (czas przeszly) a cross in their hands. It was (brak prxzedimka) really moving moment for all Poles.
Many 'platforms' (nie rozumiem tego slowa tutaj) transmitted 'some' (nie rozumime dlaczego 'some' moze lepiej 'fragments of') 'coverages' (poszukaj inne slowo), which 'shown' (zle slowo, tu czas przeszly) that in Cracow hundreds of people came to Wawel to participate in the celebrations for the memory of all the victims.
In Warsaw people gathered in Powązki Cemetery (napisz jaki significance Powiazki maja- kto tam spoczywa) and in the place in the front of President’s Palace. What is more, the speculations about the reason of the tragedy 'come' (zly czas popraw) back. However, 'probably long time will' (zla kol slow, a long time willprobably) be needed to discover the truth. There is no doubt that what happened in Russia one year ago was one of the greatest tragedies in the history (ale of czego? jak piszesz 'in 'the' history to potrzebuje wiecej, mozna napisac history).