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On 11 March 2011 in our school organised meeting witch Mr Krzysztof Wojtyczek.
He is a lecturer at The Jagiellonian University, he gave a lecture on protection Human rights in Poland. Students could find out about the legal systems of the world, particulary in Poland.
The most important document, which provide the protection of human rights, is constitution.
A constitution is a set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is governed. All another documents, acts, agreements in Ponand have to be in accord with it. The current Constitution of Poland was adopted through of the majority voices on 2 April 1997. Its main authority is to rule on whether or not laws that are challenged are in fact unconstitutional. Constitutions were passed from times of the Enlightenment. What is sometimes called the "enlightened constitution" model was developed by philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment such as Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and John Locke. The model proposed that constitutional governments should be stable, adaptable, accountable, open and should represent the people.
Constitution of May 3, 1791 s generally regarded as Europe's first and the world's second modern codified national constitution.
In first constitutions people established laws of the first generation, such as :
the right to life
freedom from torture
freedom of religion
freedom of speech
freedom of assembly and association,
the right to marry and have a family.
In the 19th century, human rights became a central concern over the issue of slavery, social conditions.
the second generation concerned social conditions. Mainly:
right to pensions
right to labour unions.
After the Second World War established laws of the third generation, such as:
the right to privacy
right to protection of personal details
right to live in peace
right to the cultural heritage

Most modern constitutions seek to regulate the relationship between institutions of the state, in a basic sense the relationship between the executive, legislature and the judiciary, but also the relationship of institutions within those branches. Most constitutions also attempt to define the relationship between individuals and the state, and to establish the broad rights of individual citizens.
The judiciary provides a mechanism for the resolution of disputes. It usually consists of a court of final appeal (called the " supreme court " or " constitutional court "), together with lower courts.
The Human Rights Defender safeguards human and civic freedoms and rights specified in the Constitution and other legal acts. He does not examine anonymous requests and he does not exercise the right of pardon.
The catalogue of human rights is open.
A teraz napisz to sama - bo to co wkleilas nie jest twoja wlasna praca.


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